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Everything posted by icecreamqueen

  1. 24 should've been pulled from honeymoon and yes to heaven put in its place. there's nothing offensively bad about it but it's just really dull
  2. banned for not owning cool glasses that are bigger than your face
  3. idk if this is considered unpopular but tomorrow never came has to be my least favorite lana song solely bc i hate sean ono lennon's vocals (just like i hate john lennon's voice lol)
  4. banned for having the username cinnamongirl but not being a girl
  5. hard agree. lana's yeahs drive me crazy, they sound cheap and don't really add anything to the atmosphere of the dying
  6. i feel like lana would really benefit from educating herself on class disparity and racism in america, as well as getting some personal therapy. due to her estrangement from her parents, she seems to have a hard time acknowledging that she came from a privileged background. she isn't a fundamentally bad person, but her fierce reaction to criticism is seriously stunting her, and she needs to know when to stop and self reflect. also I've never been a fan of blue jeans.
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