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a banister

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Posts posted by a banister

  1. On 7/27/2021 at 9:38 PM, eyelovelefteye said:

    She can work with whoever she wants to, she’s been friends with him for years & they made a great video. She’s still a feminist, people need to stop being so damn annoying. No one visits this thread to see a handful of gays attempting to discredit a woman’s (they don’t even know) feminist status just because she saved a ton of money by working with a friend... (who just so happens to have a mental illness & has struggled with suicidal thoughts) Go comment that shit from your personal page on Zella’s social media & see how quickly you get blocked.


    1. We're not talking strictly about Zella, but her choice of working with an abuser.

    2. A mental illness or suicidal thoughts were, are, and will never be an excuse for abusing other people.

  2. 2 hours ago, whiteroses said:



    Kinda sad that the bubbles flew in the wrong direction not gonna lie, also that shot at 1:22 almost made me completely blind :justride:

  3. 48 minutes ago, cinnamongirI said:



  4. 3 hours ago, Mer said:

    What the fresh fuck is going on at the Lorde Subreddit?!



    They're on some clown shit (up the wall)

  5. Melanie seems to do her own thing with her music and honestly it's great. K-12 the album isn't her best but it's not the worst thing I've ever heard, the film has some spectacular visuals imo, it probably would be far better if atlantic would gave her the 11 mil she needed at first. After School (especially test me) is supposedly the bridge between her second album and her next project.


    which we can hear from the leaks THANKFULLY 

    We just need to give her some space to breathe (and no leaks, there is no way she doesn't know about them)

  6. 1 minute ago, Bones Are Blue said:

    It's not fair to judge a whole album off of non-full Discord recordings of unfinished songs btw :creep:


    Do you really think DB will change much with the script probably being polished or smth right now (if it isn't finished already)?


  7. 9 minutes ago, your bestie said:

    Does the album sound anything like Dragon's Blood? That song has me really fucking worried 


    I mean the sirens doesn't sound anything like it me thinks, maybe tunnel vision does more but not in a to-be-worried-for-mels-downfall way


  8. 11 minutes ago, Glitter Boy said:

    Nope. It's Björk's "The Gate" (2017). 

    Whoever did that fake snippet just added the LQ snippet of Leche of the Sirens and distorted this video.

    Well, atleast it's an amazing visual


  9. 3 minutes ago, mansfield ringer said:

    She did not disappear for 4 years just for this to leak OMG... feeling so bad and not gonna listen tbh

    the internets fucked up this time :/

  10. 2 minutes ago, Diamantes WILD said:

    @TrashMagiq I'm basking in the limelite now PyYkW4u.gif


    25 days. 4IG4LsA.gif 3 TRACKS RELEASED. 

    BLUNT. NOT SWIMMING. DIRECT. PKffCVm.gif LIKE A PUNCH TO THE FACE.  PKffCVm.gif HER GLAMOROUS SCOPRIO RISING LEO MOON REVENGE dtkyF0o.gif HAVE U EVER SEEN A VINDICTIVE CANCER SUN? IT'S A HOT MESS giphy-2-1486395980.gif?crop=0.84375xw:1xbritney-2.gifRAbw8JE.gif GODFLOWER GODFIRE xDrdynu.gif GRAY N GREEN BANISTERS FROM BLUE xDrdynu.gif RIDE THAT THUNDERBIIIIIIIIIIIIRD TO THE NEXT MILLENIA TKcJC9P.gifFTsEfEx.gif and to that next level of higher and everything of higher consciousness and existence, existential and all sorts of drunken highs 1Q1dmAJ.gifTdnQl9t.gif we'll all be closer. closer to THE REST OF THE ALBUM sSToHP3.gif a music video sSToHP3.gif THE ALBUM COVER sSToHP3.gif A TRAILER. JoyousRewardingGermanwirehairedpointer-s AND THE REST OF THE SCORCHING FLAMES AND CONCRETE PACKED VEv8UVj.gifQPIRQyR.gif ALBUM 55TS2VC.gif all in LESS THAN A MONTH ItOh8dT.gif so savor the 3 TRACKS WE ALREADY HAVE NOW. U JUST MIGHT FAINT FROM SHEER SHOCK AND HAPPINESSItOh8dT.gifcWqkEYT.gif WHEN IT FINALLY GRACES US W ITS WONDERFUL PRESENCE. HOW ELSE WOULD AN ALBUM ABBREV.'D COCC WOULD BE FOLLOWED BY YUP YA GUESSED IT. A VOLCANO.  9XynWPF.gifk9QUaBj.gifk9QUaBj.gif A VOLCANOk9QUaBj.gif9XynWPF.gifk9QUaBj.gif CAN U HANDLE. M00W8u3.gif2oOvIwb.gif CAN U HANDLE ALL THAT. and this. this wait. just runs anticipation HIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH h9rCWtu.gif TO DESTROY US ALL FOR US TO ONLY REFORGE OURSELVES, SLICK. METALLIC AND OTHERWORLDLY.  x4irxKd.gifoOQp68I.gif cus what's better than HEAVEN WITHOUT HAVING TO GO THROUGH HELL AND ITS GLORIOUS CONQUEST AND THROUGH  FIRST 16wjP77.gifWMOMWtf.gifd6Df0Op.gif kiss this moment and thank it for forging u into the BEAUTIFUL EVERGROWING BEINGS THAT WE ARE. THIS IS OUR REALITY. will u cower and wilt? or will u SHINE? BETTER THAN EVER. 50iXioz.gif it's ur choice.50iXioz.gif I say. be a diamond. let's be new. let's BURN. and SHINE. WtwTwvt.gif

    this is the magnum opus of this thread

  11. On 6/1/2021 at 6:34 PM, Salem said:

    "I never signed up for your drama, up for your drama, up for your drama club. I never signed up for your drama, for your drama, for your drama club" Exists so hate on Dragon's Blood for it's chorus is unwarranted. 

    I would say that DC's chorus sounds better. We can clearly hear that melanie plays with those lines vocally (not counting bridge and after, DB could still be a demo [I really hope])while in DB she basically decided to do nothing with it, it's the same stuff all the time. 

  12. 20 minutes ago, Glitter Boy said:

    Yeah, you got a point. It feels like the album is bound to leak - I wonder how much will they wait before they drop it - and I hope it doesn't happen. Kerli's Utopia and Charli's original XCX3 were destroyed by the leaks.

    P.S. your avi is sending me :rip: 

    Remember that literally a year before K-12 was announced Drama Club got leaked in the same leak Era as unhappy meal and 99 cent store, yet we only got to know that it was a K-12 song because Mel's mgmt contacted Fandom about DC's page existing

    Just now, a chemtrail over the cc said:

    Remember that literally a year before K-12 was announced Drama Club got leaked in the same leak Era as unhappy meal and 99 cent store, yet we only got to know that it was a K-12 song because Mel's mgmt contacted Fandom about DC's page existing

    And it's produced by K&OL, the ones that were hacked last year

  13. 5 minutes ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    If Wildflower Wildfire is Lana’s idea of ‘revenge’ just because she mentioned her mother was a bitch (which we already knew to some degree) then I’m very disappointed. She needs to go off the rails and scream and shout, you don’t get your revenge in a piano ballad. 

    Let's wait for the screamer lana claims the legendary Dealer to be

  14. 3 minutes ago, Danny Milk said:

    apparently the title of mm3 leaked but i have a feeling it's fake

    I've also heard about it but I can't even find it

    Just now, Glitter Boy said:

    But  s t i l l  what does it even have to do with sabotaging a release omg, these people.


    I mean if the r drama was actually real and somehow melanie would retain her career I wouldn't care about not leaking her shit, but as we all know it's fake so there is no reason for leaking it

  15. 4 minutes ago, expandableclitoris said:

    we literally could have dozens of scrapped tracks/content yet you choose to derail her new work and make her possibly loose her career plan by leeaking something thats not even complete... and still call yourself a fan :facepalm:

    there is a very small chance actual fans of her work are leaking mm3 and not her haters that can't move on from the pre K-12 drama thing

  16. Just now, Danny Milk said:

    or lets find rany or whatever his name was and tell him to leak the full k-12 1..0 photoshoot to distract people from finding it 

    rany redemption arc with leaking the whole k-12 1.0 photoshoot

  17. 6 minutes ago, BluebirdXO said:

    Leaking future material is so low. I hope that Mel doesn't see it and that it stays buried

    i bet she knows about this already since that IG post + K&OL apparently got hacked last year so she probably knows about this too


    Just now, Danny Milk said:

    anyways, someone leak some cry baby/k-12 outtakes to distract everyone and tell people that they leaked and not a mm3 song

    someone leak a k-12 1.0 MV this way everyone will forget about the mm3 song

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