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Posts posted by Gecko

  1. I must admit that I had a better approach with HBTB and Honeymoon than all Ultraviolence. (I appreciated so much the first singles -SOC and WC- when they were released, but when it came out Ultraviolence I was a little 'crowded early -but then revalue ultra-positive.)

  2. I saw that there isn't a dedicated page for Lena Fayre. I discovered this artist not a long time ago, but I liked her music (especially "This World") always worth investing. I think that she deserves a page here, and I hope you like it.

    I found this nice review of Lena Fayre on "Rolling Stone" (I linked the page), under the heading "10 New Artists You Need to Know: Febbruary 2014".



    Lena Fayre


    -official website-








    Sounds Like: An angst-filled afternoon spent lip-syncing into a hairbrush.


    For Fans Of: Smart, savvy teen-pop imbued with the heightened emotions and killer hooks of over-the-top Scandinavian artists like Robyn.


    Why You Should Pay Attention: This 17-year-old Angeleno's debut EP is filled with pop gems like the inspirational "Silver," which recalls Demi Lovato's most pumped-up tracks, and the brooding "Jukebox Love," which splits the difference between early Fiona Apple and "Teenage Dream"-era Katy Perry. "Love Burning Alive," Fayre's latest single, has been garnering buzz with good reason: It's a scorching slice of synthpop angst, with Fayre delivering a blazing vocals over a bombastic track recalling t.A.T.u.'s similarly wrenching "All The Things She Said." In a few weeks, Fayre will decamp to Virginia to write a "more gritty and atmospheric and experimental" follow-up, set for release this summer. by MAURA JOHNSTON


    She Says: "I grew up listening to a lot of rock – Bowie, Elvis, The Cure, all the greats. The first song I remember being enamored with is 'I Believe In A Thing Called Love' by The Darkness… My style and taste are constantly changing, but I always revert back to some version of deconstructed pop. My biggest influences right now are probably Grimes, St. Vincent, Junior Boys, and Future Islands. They exhibit that kind of multifaceted 'pop but not pop' vibe that really strikes me."


    Hear for Yourself: Check out the video for "Love Burning Alive," which Fayre wrote as "an expression of messy, golden teenage angst and relationship drama":








  3. Honestly if someone makes money from her signature so what? It's really nobody's business besides his. She sang voluntarily and decided to make small talk with someone who happened to have like 15 things to sign. once it reaches their hands it's their personal property to distribute however they see fit.


    Of course, what he wants to do with his autograph it is not my business.






    But I can say only a thing, namely if I could meet Lana and if I could have one her autograph I would be truly  very happy and I wouldn't sell it for anything in the world. :crai:

  4. Lana signing autographs for 2 and a half minutes

    straight for ebay with direct link!

    This really makes me puke!

    She signs everything for her seller and signs and sings for him

    and asks how he's doing...

    and real fans are sometimes ignored!

    Not always but sometimes!




    I don't succeed to see this video, without to get angry. It really gives me annoyance to see it.


    I hope that he needs money to sell Lana's autograph, and not a simple speculation. :notamused:  (Then obviously he/she can do everything with his/her autograph...  )

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