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Pink Flamingo

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Posts posted by Pink Flamingo

  1. 2 minutes ago, lilac heaven said:

    the production credits are on the album cover lol

    I mean... We know the producers, but we don't know who produced each song, that's what I meant. 

    2 minutes ago, Fingertips said:

    Idk, this album might not necessarily be cohesive in traditional ways that we would expect an album to be, but the track-list and everything shared so far makes me think this will be a very cohesive record in terms of its chaotic, lyrical nature and its focus on her friends and family. I also still think the four sides of the vinyl really do split the record into four different sections, wrapping it all together (Cinematic and wild side A, Raw, strange and experimental side B, diaristic/jazzy/wordy/fragile/emotional side C, and then the crazy, fun and berserk side D)

    Doesn't it hurt to be spilling all day?

  2. 8 minutes ago, lilac heaven said:

    considering we have the producer credits, that pretty much confirms that the piano samples aren’t directly taken from the songs, rather re-recorded interpolations! i can imagine there will be some additional instrumentation as well but at the very least we can concur that they weren’t just straight up lifted from the original songs haha

    We don't have the production credits but the writing credits 

  3. I feel like this is going to be Lana's most experimental record. 


    Yesterday I loved to read those lyrics from the album, but I also have to say that I would want our insiders to describe the songs and feelings they have towards the album than leaking lyrics. Describing an album is subjective, but lyrics can't be changed, they are what they are... Kintsugi still a king tho. those posts are keeping us fed 

  4. Just now, yassgrenade said:

    my prerelease ranking prediction:

    1. Paris, Texas

    2. Fingertips

    3. A&W

    4. Taco Truck x VB

    5. Margaret

    6. Candy Necklace 

    7. The Grants

    8. Let The Light In

    9. Kintsugi

    10. Tunnel

    11. Peppers

    12. Fishtail

    13. Grandfather

    14. Sweet

    Interludes nowhere to be found 

  5. 4 minutes ago, burthday kake said:


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    new lyrics:



    "Brought by the sunlight of the spirit to pour into me

    There's a name for it in Japanese
    It's Kintsugi"


    "We've only got hours
    And I just can't stop crying
    Cause all of the ways
    When you see someone dying
    The sea of your daze flashing in front of you
    And you think about who will be with you

    Daddy, I miss them
    I'm in the mountains
    I'm probably running away from the feelings I hid
    When I think of the things about them"



    "I give myself two seconds to cry
    Let it crash over me like the waves in the sea

    I give myself two seconds to breathe
    Go back to being a serene queen"


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