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Posts posted by Ultraviolencequeen

  1. 12 minutes ago, soaringHigh said:

    So I caved and this album sounds so mature!!! I don’t understand people saying it’s monotone or boring but wow, this showcases her vocal abilities like I’ve never heard before. I really hope she’s very proud of this music because she should. This expanded the legacy of NFR in such a fresh way. It’s been such a long journey she’s come since BTD and the evolution is so welcome. Back in the day I would always catalogue one album above all others but ever since NFR came out I’ve come to the realization that each album has it’s very unique soundscape and sonic thematic. Each album a whole sentiment of it’s own. She’s up there with artists that have truly shown growth and maturity without the loss of their artistic identity. Just pay attention to the lyrical and thematical flow from BTD - HM where she explores darker themes and her attitude being more playful and that of someone that’s experiencing the rush of youth - naive and sometimes self destructive. Then walking into LFL, SUCH transition where she REALIZES something is wrong, I must say her entering adulthood and really delving deep into her dark aspects to pull out knowledge from that. Then we have the full circle complete with NFR! and COCC -> the former finding herself out of her dark past and kind of having one last look behind and preparing to explore new territories. With COCC, I am AMAZED of how confident she sounds, I mean she’s ALWAYS sounded confident but this leaves the “playing cool” attitude behind, all the masks and all the smoke around and sharing with us the journey she’s taken and where she’s finally gotten to: a peaceful and contemplative state of mind and the way this is portrayed leaves me in awe. Her voice feels so personal, like her voice hugging the listener throughout the album, esp on LMLYLAW which I never understood the hate for. This is what an adult who has learned from her past sounds like, and that folks we rarely get to witness expressed in such a poetic and endearing way. Lana stood the test of time in my heart; an artist I can truly connect to. Whether she decides to make this the last or she continues her journey, I am honored to have peaked inside her world. A truly misunderstood genius. If only people chose to pay attention to what she’s conveyed instead of her rushed and non-proofread posts they’d see she pours her heart out and never intentions to come off as what she’s being portrayed as. 

    Thank you Lana, and please never let anything tone down that free and lighthearted spirit of yours.

    You get it!!! 

  2. I wonder if she’ll make a comment on social media. Part of me feels like she’ll act like it didn’t happen, which is her current promo status.

    also i wonder why it’s THAT bad if fans listen to leak- all the people taking time to find shady leaks and download them and listen are true fans who will also be playing on repeat on release day, and have already bought ten vinyl variations. I feel

    Guilty  listening to album so haven’t yet but I don’t think it’s end of world for her numbers or business 

  3. 2 minutes ago, plastiscguy said:

    White Dress lyrics

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    Sun, stare, don't care with my head in my hands

    Thinking of a simpler time

    Like Sun Ra, feel small but I

    Had it under control every time


    When I was a waitress

    Wearing a white dress

    Look how I do this

    Look how I got this


    When I was a waitress

    Working the night shift

    You were my man

    Felt like I got this


    Down at the men in music business conference

    Down in Orlando, I was only nineteen

    Down at the men in music business conference

    I only mention it 'cause it was such a scene

    And I felt seen, mm


    Summer, sizzling, listening to

    Jazz out on the lawn

    Listening to White Stripes

    When they were white hot

    Listening to rock all day long


    When I was a waitress

    Wearing a tight dress

    Handling the heat

    I wasn't famous

    Just listening to

    Kings of Leon to the beat


    Like look how I got this

    Look how I got this

    Just sing in the street

    Down at the men in music business conference

    I felt free 'cause I was only nineteen

    Such a scene


    Summer's summer's almost gone

    We were talkin' 'bout life

    we were sitting outside till dawn

    But I would still go back

    If I could do it all again, I thought

    Because it made me feel

    Made me feel like a god

    'Cause it made me feel

    Made me feel like a god

    Somehow it made me feel

    Made me feel like a god


    When I was a waitress

    Wearing a white dress

    Look how I do this

    Look how I got this


    When I was a waitress

    Working the night shift

    You were my man

    Felt like I got this


    Down at the men in music business conference

    Down in Orlando, I was only nineteen

    Down at the men in music business conference

    I only mention it 'cause it was such a scene

    And I felt seen, mm


    When I was a waitress

    Wearing a tight dress

    Like look how I do it

    Look how I got this

    I was a waitress

    Wearing a tight dress

    Like look how I do this

    Look how I got this


    Made me feel

    Made me feel like a god

    It kinda makes me feel

    Like maybe I was better off

    Because it made me feel

    Made me feel like a god

    Kinda makes me feel

    Like maybe I was better off



  4. WD feels- spoiler but more atmosphere vibes 



    It reminds me of a little sister to Venice bitch.like if the Venice bitch jam sesh went on for three more drunken hours as the sun came up. Her voice breaking snd lost from the singing laughing and screaming around the fire in the yard all night. Her walking to the front yard by herself as the sun came up, reminiscing to simpler times. 


  5. The worst part is that it’s Bieber fans trying to spread the leak. But I’m not perfect cuz oops listened to WD.


    I love how she shamelessly let her vocals be weird and imperfect. A true artist. She isn’t here to show off perfect pipes every second. 
     she’s trying to convey desperation, innocence, emotion and it works. This song needed these quirky imperfect vocals to get your attention and get the message across. Beautiful. 


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