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Everything posted by UltraviolentJack

  1. Jacks there so at least he’ll come out, we better get an HD performance of Margaret
  2. i’m not super impressed with a 30 second warm up acapella we weren’t even supposed to hear lol so is it being streamed on radio and BBC i player?
  3. kinda wanna watch it live but there’s gonna be zero surprises or setlist variations so i just hope the vocals are better than rock en seine
  4. I feel jipped cause 2018 was so fun with all the random songs every show. When I saw her in Dallas she did Paradise and it was a gag.
  5. i was trying to be nice and even keep her longtime favorites lol
  6. that’s what i’m saying i’m not asking for anything SUPER crazy
  7. Body Electric Without You West Coast (full song) Summertime Sadness Cherry Pretty When You Cry High by the Beach Ride Born to Die Happiness is a Butterfly Chemtrails Over the Country Club NFR/Arcadia Yosemite (probs shortened lol) Love Song Tunnel Video Games Serial Killer Off to the Races like it’s REALLY not hard lol just pep it up a little
  8. y’all are so annoying nobody is saying she shouldn’t do slow songs she just needs to do 1) newer or underperformed slow songs and 2) pad them up with a few rockers.
  9. Axing Ultraviolence title track was a big mistake
  10. the set desperately needs like 4-5 more upbeat rockers they can even be ones she’s done before please i beg the second half is so boring
  11. crying at them doing the hope interlude and her not even changing the dress
  12. only good when she sings it. this holograph stuff is a snoooooze. just do serial killer, high by the beach and OTTR to finish off with
  13. yeah it’s video games a&w y&b no more surprises :/
  14. I’ve been pummeled to death at all 3 shows I’ve been to lol
  15. i actually love the grants i take ANYTJING new in the set over anytning old lmao
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