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Posts posted by HeyBlueBaby

  1. Spoiler


    I love White Dress so much. I love her voice in the chorus so fucking much, it's so jazz or something? So different from what she's done with her voice on her other records. Love the lyrics, love that we can hear her vaping after the first chorus. What a flawless song omg


    Now what the hell does 


    Down at the men in music business conference
    Down in Orlando, I was only nineteen
    Down at the men in music business conference
    I only mention it 'cause it was such a scene


     this mean lol. Love "I only mention it cause it was such a scene and I felt seen" though :poordat:



  2. 16 hours ago, Enchanted Mansion said:


    I did not read your message before posting and I think exactly like you.

    The artist she was at the beginning and now has changed, yes in the meantime she has become a superstar, an icon, but until 2015-2016 she still had this "old Lana" thing that reminded us of her art at the top.

    Now we feel that she has succeeded, she has achieved her goal and her dream, she knows that her fans will buy everything she offers since she has understood the magic recipe for making good music and no longer cares about the rest.

    She is very self-centered, bordering on narcissism, and her recent scandals remind me of an authentic girl who has become too spoiled, a princess like a rich 18-year-old girl.

    I miss her awkwardness at the start, her smiles, her red cheeks and her shyness. Her garage jackets too haha. She has gained confidence, that's good, but part of her authenticity is definitely gone. She's calculating her image too much now and it ties in with my post where I think she lost that "lana del rey" thing where she seemed so proud of her music videos, her songs, her life, everything.

    The advantage is that she will never release bad songs and thank God, but yes this old Lana, shy, young in Hollywood, emotional, her so particular way of making her songs with arrangements of her own has disappeared to make way has a rich star far from reality as Lady Gaga has become over time...

    She would have entered the music market with what she offers today, I wouldn't have really paid attention.

    Authentic Lana before> Lana Del Rey today

    What did she possess in 2016 that she doesn't anymore?

    Her recent scandals are cringeworthy, and I really have no comment on them at this time. 


    I'm sure Lana was proud to release Born To Die under a major label and get the push she deserved and was able to refine her aesthetic and give us some great moments, but that doesn't mean she wasn't struggling personally. She was awkward and cute and shy because she was new in the industry and was just learning to navigate her way through it. In that process and with the release on Born To Die, critics were really rude to her and it made her even more of a recluse. UV is a big "fuck you" to her naysayers, but even that era drew heavy criticism for her, which is probably why Honeymoon got even less promo. Most stans know this, but this post makes me believe you don't.


    If the problem is promotion ie surplus visual content, TV interviews and performances get it elsewhere. Lana has predominantly been promoting her music through pure sales, online promo, streaming and print since Ultraviolence. As far as her being Hollywood, she does not sell perfume, make up, skin care, jock straps, Oreo's, etc. She's naturally immersed with Hollywood but she has never been a Top 40 artist like Lady Gaga. So please sis.


    Anyway I would love for her to do more stuff like Honeymoon. :excited:

  3. Complaining about visuals is silly. I guess I understand because Born To Die was both visually and musically stimulating, but she's always been about the music first. She said this herself in an interview, the music comes first, and the visuals come after. 


    UV/HM/NFR are flawless records. UV/HM gave great album imagery and good music videos. I personally enjoy all 3 UV videos and the HM videos are cute. NFR was actually a step up in the visual department with Fuck It, The Greatest and Doin Time. The laid back video series she did for Bartender, Norman and whatever other song was lowkey a disappointment but like I said Lana Del Rey is about the music.


    I'm honestly so hype for Chemtrails and hate the negativity surrounding this release. Chemtrails is FANTASTIC, LMYLAW is a dud for me, but I'm excited for the other songs.

  4. 27 minutes ago, Future Jazz said:

    I have no idea why people either hate God Bless America or don't care about it. It's a good song. The melody is really beautiful, the production is - unexpectedly, since it's on LFL - rich and well done, it has a political meaning that's miles away from QFTC. It's a song that's both catchy and super nice.

    I was just talking about this song earlier! It's my favorite from that section of the album. The bridge is great.

  5. Dark Paradise, Guns and Roses


    I always loved Honeymoon, but listening to it on acid by myself was such an experience and I was able to hear every sound of each song and that just made me fall in love with it even more. Songs I didn't play as much like 24, Salvatore and Swan Song became my favorites.


    Love everything else she's done. Also, Coachella has always been a bop and the hate for it is blasphemous.

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