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Everything posted by mrdrk89

  1. The person that wrote that article must be written quaking in their boots
  2. I love it when she appears on the left of the screen at 3:19 looking all country and western, hands in her pockets looking up and off into the distance like that I really like the video, watching the premiere I was slightly underwhelmed but I'm watching it again now and noticing lots of cool little things.
  3. I don't get the meaning of 'Like Sun Ra, feel small' - I know he was a musician but why is she equating him with feeling small? I'm not that familiar with Sun Ra.
  4. I think she probably did it cos she found it funny, maybe an in-joke or something. I kinda like it, haha. Playing around with language. I remember she pronounced 'action' weirdly in High by the Beach, and a couple of times she has used British rather than American pronunciations of certain words, can't remember which ones now.
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