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Posts posted by honeymo0n

  1. 13 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

    Change is actually really good and one of her most heartfelt and understated lyrical moments.

    I agree, "Change" is one of my fav songs on lfl


    Also, I don't really know if this is an unpopular opinion, but the transition between Burnt Norton interlude and Religion is just heavenly :wub:

  2. 1 minute ago, lili said:

    I think Guns and Roses is so underrated, it brings up such an atmosphere. Probably it’s the repetition in the chorus that make it sound boring to some but I find it to be dreamy.

    Yes, I agree. The bridge is my fav part of the song tbh

  3. 11 minutes ago, HillSongExHomoCantor said:

    LeAkEd RoCk CaNdY sWeEt TrAcKlIsT

    - fUcK tHe NeW yOrK pOsT

    - KaNcEl KuLtUrE kWeEn Ft CoUrTnEy LoVe

    - wHiTe BoY sUmMeR fT cHeT hAnKs

    - I pRaYeD aWaY cLaY's GaY- aNd NoW hE's My HuSbAnD tO bE

    -bOdEgA bAe- BeYoNcE sCaReD oF mE

    -aRiAnA iS wHiTe Ft AzEaLiA bAnKs + KaNyE

    -A qUeStIoN fOr ThE cUlTuRe Ft MaDoNnA

    - cHuCk HaS rEtiReD hErE's ChArLiE's AsS cRaCk

    -fAnTaNo kNoWs WhAt'S uP

    TaYlOr Is My ShAdOw

    mEn In MuSaK bUsInEsS cOnFeReNcE fT bRiTnEy SpEaRs +CaRdI b

    NoT aLl wHo CrOsS mE aRe FoUnD fT hIlLaRy ClInToN

    rOcK cAnDy SwEeT

    i WisH tHe PrEsS wAs DeAd AlLrEaDy




    can't wait for "NoT aLl wHo CrOsS mE aRe FoUnD"

  4. 2 hours ago, BluebirdXO said:

    I listened to Norman again and repeatedly during this week. I still can't see the hype around it. This record doesn't say anything to me and doesn't even paint a beautiful landscape or story like her previous and COCC.


    Most of the tracks sound the same, have annoying instrumentals and the lyrics are cringe. If you scrap Doin' Time, this album would be exactly like a Romantic Ballads Vol. 1 that you can buy for $3 at Walmart, kind of album


    What can I do to appreciate it more? This is a serious question. I learned how to appreciate L4L turning the album into an EP. But with Norman, I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel and this makes me extremely upset


    I liked the album at first, when I was going thru some "relationship" issues....lol. Now that I've moved on, I realised I stopped listening to this album as much. There are still songs that I like, but overall - not my favourite, so I kinda have the same problem as you rn :) I've learnt to really appreciate Honeymoon and now it's my fav, but Norman still just hasn't stuck with me for some reason

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