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Um Chile Anyways So

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Everything posted by Um Chile Anyways So

  1. Grandma it's way past your bedtime, let's get you back to bed
  2. Honeymounz's piano flops making their way to LDR9 tracklist
  3. Edging for an hour then coming back to LB to get edged some more by the insiders
  4. Left LB for one hour to have a w**k, came back to a f**king mess
  5. I- I don't understand what's happening on LB on this beautiful day.
  6. is there any insiders on LB? (apart from that one clown?)
  7. Does that mean that LDR9 will follow the style of L4L? EDIT: nevermind
  8. someone's mentioned that some NFR outakes might be included in LRD9. Lana and Jack made SOMETHING that didn't match the energy of NFR/COCC/BB. I'm so intrigued, so many possibilities. Is Lana capable of creating a new subgenre? edit: watch Lana scrap everything she's produced for LDR9 because the insiders are spilling the tea
  9. 1st half of the album: piano ballands interlude 2nd half: punk rock masterpiece
  10. Lately, I've been obsessed with Irene Rudnyk's photography. I'd loooove an album cover like this!
  11. i had a vision of lana collabing with hans zimmer to create 16 song album
  12. I agree. Could you imagine if Lana gave up her unreleased songs to other artists? I could totally see Ariana adding her signature 'yuhh' to serene queen and calling it a day.
  13. I still can't believe miss Diamandis would scam people with overpriced candles.
  14. How to Disappear, Love Song, Happiness is a Butterfly
  15. Froot's sister album called Poot is coming. Demi's impact
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