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Grenadine quarantine

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Posts posted by Grenadine quarantine

  1. 9 minutes ago, colaandvideogames said:

    @fl0r1dakil0s i think said something about a song dropping before summer, could you confirm or deny that? Just asking since you said album won’t be within the next 6 months :poordat:


    also it’s interesting to me the poetry is coming first because I remember Lana saying in her Insta live on BB day that BTIG was incredibly messy and not even arranged in anyway and if that was basically November, it’s surprising she’s finished it up within these last couple months. Just find that interesting. Thanks for the info tho! I’m happy to hear anything at this point :hooker:


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    And pls don’t take anything that anyone says too personal on here, 98% of us are friendly but we tease each other a lot and I think it’s from being traumatized by fake insiders and 0 news :eek2:


    I think the poetry is arranged she posted about being quiet for a while when she was making the template for behind the iron gates when she had her arm in a sling ages ago so I think there has been progress but I don’t believe everything dragonwhore just said, they just joined yesterday too but who knows maybe they aren’t lying

  2. Disappointed af they need to stop overselling if they aren’t gonna get signed. The thing that annoys me more is why put on posters if you can’t even do the signed art cards bad communication. Also I want the unsigned poster of the John Deere cover as it’s not for sale anymore… and that discount code better be valid for the next era!!! Emailing them to make sure.

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