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star Iux

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Posts posted by star Iux

  1. 58 minutes ago, Glitter Boy said:

    But- but I actually genuinely love it lmao, I was one of those who never thought it would make it into Chemtrails until it was released.

    --------- a n y w a y s ----------

    NFR title track is one of the most overrated songs I can think of. No shade, I don't hate it by no means but I don't consider it to be nowhere near, say, her top 30 overall songs list at all. That album itself has better ballads imo.

    It's crazy to me how people act like, "you fucked me so good I almost said I love you" was a revolutionary line

  2. 7 hours ago, lanasbottom said:

    aka not jack, not her cali bimbo friends and not her jobless family either :stareney:


     makes me think about the only interview she gave this year regarding her new album in which she said she basically has 0 idea where she’s going with it, has absolutely 0 inspiration and needs to be dragged into a studio to come up with something… like idk bout y’all but that sounds highly alarming to me :air:


    I say it once again she needs a complete life change, move back to New York/London, ditch jack, meet new and exciting people and get out of this boring country grandma bubble she’s stuck in for years now 

    I agree, a similar thing worked for Taylor. She was burnt out in 2019 and produced her worst material because she felt the constant pressure to push new music out & tour, but quarantine really helped her revisit her creative process and publish her best albums. Clearly quarantine hasn't helped Lana but I hope her Italy trip did.

  3. 1 minute ago, Mer said:


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    This album has neither of those things. The lyrics are actually quite heartbreaking, though they lack the purple prose that I think made folklore sound so "grownup". It's wayyyy more experimental than Lover and has less "safe" songs. The lyrics are weird and campy. I really think it's a solid body of work, and has good cohesion and direction. The aesthetics of what she wore to award shows matches the sonics better than the aesthetics of the photoshoot tho, imo. 


    ohhhh ok ty, I assumed karma was about 2016 & sweet nothing was about joe lol

  4. I haven't listened to Midnights yet, but I think that Taylor needs to go back to the storytelling she did in Folkmore


    Everybody is sick of her talking about 2016 & how much she loves Joe

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