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star Iux

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Posts posted by star Iux

  1. 1 hour ago, zombie girl said:

    i’m not surprised honestly lmao, lana fans tend to have some delusion about how she’s some indie underground artist and write off all mainstream acts to be “different” even though lana is just as mainstream herself and has been since video games came out. i am very excited too i think they are going to make something beautiful! their styles mesh very well, i really don’t understand why people think it will be bad… it’s not like lana is gonna hop on a max martin shake it off beat or something in the year 2022

    Ikr? Do they not remember DCMA?

  2. 17 hours ago, BrokenBoy said:

    ALSO: Lust For Life really gets a bad wrap with the fandom. This was a really ambitious record for her and it felt like she had some messages she really wanted to get across. There's a unifying feeling about the album that I really enjoy and makes for sweet listening.

    This is so true, I love LFL, it's the album that made me a fan of her

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