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Posts posted by Beemo

  1. She's obviously saying full-time.. Here is concrete evidence, from the music video itself! *le gasp* rHLdX.png



    Notice how she closes her mouth during "time", strongly emphasizing the "m"

    Myth busted! ^_^

  2. So many great people want to take part, this makes me so happy! :3 I was not expecting this level of interest, and I am desperate to see everyone's videos and get to know all you guys ! :3


    ...So, here's my dilemma: should I still make this a member of the week format, where I put you guys into a poll, and the winner(s) with the most votes makes their video? OR, should this be open to everybody, and I ask everyone that's interested to send me a video by a certain date? I really like the idea of getting everyone involved that wants to be, but at the same time, ~competition~ can be fun.


    Which one would you guys prefer?

    Or everyone submits videos, then the rest of the board votes for the MoTW based on the videos, and then the winner makes another video with more questions? :love:

  3. So many great people want to take part, this makes me so happy! :3 I was not expecting this level of interest, and I am desperate to see everyone's videos and get to know all you guys ! :3


    ...So, here's my dilemma: should I still make this a member of the week format, where I put you guys into a poll, and the winner(s) with the most votes makes their video? OR, should this be open to everybody, and I ask everyone that's interested to send me a video by a certain date? I really like the idea of getting everyone involved that wants to be, but at the same time, ~competition~ can be fun.


    Which one would you guys prefer?

    I think it'd be nice if everyone send their videos to you :3

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