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Everything posted by defectedbythisform

  1. i think that we can start actually worrying if she does not release anything in october... i mean i am already worried but not because fall started, i had been worried about her bamboozling us since the moment she posted that lil statement lol
  2. yea, also when she started to send depop purchases it turned out she has a whole company? like she has an actual corporation, used for idk what but i am guessing many artists do, and apparently she got the covidussy money twice at least that's what stan twitter has to say, i think it was called MM222? it was on the bill included in each package
  3. not to mention the Hawaii house she is always renting costs around $2500 per night in the time of the year that she is always choosing for her lil getaway... when she spent a month there last year i remember the price per night was over $3000... so yea, here goes the jewelry money that most people consider to be kept safe in a piggy bank for her future project even tho she never actually said that, the "i need money" thing was when she talked about NFTs... and before someone jumps me - I found this house completely on accident, I ain't a stalker but this fact is stuck with me for almost two years lol.
  4. No because why do I feel like all of this shit (jewerelly wise) happening could be Verde's impact? I do not want to come at his neck and all that, but I remember when he posted the pics he took of Mel and Jackie back in 2020 and got some recognition from the fan base (obv) and literally spammed every possible fan account of Mel with his friend's work like "listen to my friend's ep, share, stream" blah blah blah, just because he produced it. Then he came on depop with his kitch ass "rings" that escalated from being $50 to $200 and this damn print...
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