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Everything posted by EmptyPromises

  1. Were you trying to address me?
  2. the real masochism being the frenemies we made along the way.
  3. I actually understand why some of you are so fed up with her now, and that's in the span of knowing her music for like a year? I'd be tearing my hair out if I'd been a fan from earlier on, both due to Capitol AND her. I respect her wanting to stay true to herself, but just play the fucking game or leak your shit, do SOMETHING if your hands are tied, so that you can be free. I don't think she's helping herself at this point IF what she's saying is true. I don't think Capitol is unreasonable in certain regards, like shooting a video on an iPhone was some big offense? She's essentially an indie artist and self funded, and even Gaga has done this --and that's a main pop girl!!! IPhone quality isn't even bad at this point. Like does she feel the need to shoot on film? Make do with what you have, my fucking god.... She's holding her ground yet not accomplishing anything. I'm a fan and all and support her, but you all had reason behind the perceived rage too. I think everyone here wants her to succeed and that's where that comes from regardless of how harsh some of you are lol. I guess we'll see. And maybe my username is still good for now.
  4. You both have your moments sometimes. I wonder what the excuse will be for the album not coming out. She really can't be vague anymore about why it's not coming, at all.
  5. Yeah this song is shit and most of the EP is, too. Dated electropop is fine, but this? Yeah. If anything i can respect that she refuses to record these Katy Perry rejects since way back then. 99 Tears continues to be that girl.
  6. The thing is, if the album is out of her control how is she fucking up those few things in her own hand like her festival gigs? I'm rooting for her and dont think its all on Capitol or all on her, but like, how are you that self sabotaging while trying to push this narrative?
  7. Some of you would be so miserable if the album actually released
  8. its funny to me because it sounds as bad as some of the electropop stuff
  9. Sky dm'ed me and the album really is coming you guys it sounds so good
  10. Sounds like a lie but I'll let this one slide in case it happens to be true
  11. Maybe her voice has deepened a bit with age?
  12. Thanks for having sense and the willpower to write this whole post. Like she clearly has to pay for her own shit so I don't blame her saving her coin.
  13. She's pissing me off with this in particular. Like girl, what the fuck are you doing? Wake the fuck up!
  14. I hope they just drop her, music or no music
  15. Milk would be so easy for her to do well, i agree! I'd love it if she did You Look So Fine or Even Though Our Love is Doomed, too
  16. I want her to collab with Garbage so badly
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