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Everything posted by samsclubPRESENTSavamax

  1. https://youtu.be/mt2zvsvkKKo?si=LJP7x2IbdCNwqI4a
  2. Sky was on the subreddit last week answering comments and didn't get attacked, though. It was actually pretty nice because it felt like Sky was able to provide clarity for a moment.
  3. I mean, maybe not if it was most other active celebrities but Sky's thread here is notoriously entirely "where is she" and "where is masochism". I personally don't feel great asking that anymore, lol.
  4. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-tonia-focus-on-healing-not-bills Her mother has a brain tumor. We should probably lock this thread for reasons but I'm not a mod. ๐Ÿคท
  5. I fear sky heard dog years by halsey drop just before leash and sky completely canned the video to starve dog years of visuals.
  6. Yes, very curious. She was/is still friends with Terri Richardson but he was nowhere near 70 in 2009~. He does fit the description pretty well, though. Sky Ferreira June 26, 2014 ยท As someone who has worked very closely with Terry Richardson on many many many occasions since I was 17 years old I would like to say... from my OWN personal experience: I have never been forced or manipulated into anything. I made a music video with him and I have never felt uncomfortable with Terry & had 99 percent of the creative control. This was before I was "famous". Allegations are one thing but completely blaming the director isn't fair aka the Lady Gaga video. It doesn't matter if you want to be a "role model" or not, it's your responsibility to be AWARE of what you're doing. When you're making & selling pop music for 14 year olds that is just a straight up fact. I'm not against/doubting people that have said they've encountered things with him (it's not my place to say so) but the media acting as if Terry Richardson manipulated Lady Gaga into making a video about getting touched by R-Kelly or whatever is a whole other thing. She is 28 year old woman & fully capable/aware of what she was doing. If she wants to do it is HER choice. Whether I agree with it or not. I'm REALLY insulted that my work is somehow getting dragged into this mess (this is the only place I can actually write about this). Terry has only been a supportive & caring friend to me for a long time. I actually find the whole thing upsetting & have for a while. To say I support sexual abuse beyond hurts me. I've experienced it from a very early age until I was 16 years old & have been VERY vocal about it. I am a feminist & work with foundations globally w/ children & women that are victims of sexual abuse. I fight for it every day. To discredit me because I'm friends of someone or my music videos/photos make you feel certain way is YOUR problem. Not mine. Your opinion of someone doesn't make them who they are I am NOT saying the women who have publicly spoken are at fault or wrong or lying. I hope they get help. I'm disgusted that people use others (victims) pain for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ or someway to help themselves climb the ladder of whatever they are trying to get to. The media & the fucking peanut gallery/trolls on the internet can paint any picture they want of you. They never have the full details. They can manipulate & project an image/persona that benefits them. There are lots of details that we DON'T know about it. There are many reasons & FACTS why I support Terry Richardson that media (basically) refuses to acknowledge. If it were up to the world I would be a racist/heroin addict manufactured robot. Which I'm far from either of those things. Before you judge people off of some article you read off a newspaper or some blog just remember: They are selling you something. The story is to benefit them somehow. It's only half truth. If that.Basically if one more person has the nerve to ask/tell me that I've fucked Terry Richardson, I will slit their fucking throat.People fail to mention the 8,000 men he's also shot. I had a topless album cover. So fucking what? I don't necessarily expect people to understand why I did it or like it. The fact that I still have to explain myself or be publicly shamed every time I speak to a journalist about it EIGHT months later is disturbing. Also, if I was using my "tits" to sell anything, my body is worth more than any cash on the entire planet. Not to mention most musicians don't MAKE ANY money off of fucking sales. There's a lot more damage being done to the world than the female body. Get a grip.
  7. I wonder who the "creepy 70 year old" was.
  8. does anyone know if masochism is okay?
  9. So... but why does she think Capitol was blocking her from doing all those things?
  10. If you are looking for something while waiting in Masochism purgatory, here is an artist similar to Sky. A little poppy, a little dark. She never took off for some reason, probably just too dark for a 2000s pop girl, but I really adore her two albums made between 2003-2007. She had songs in Mean Girls and Thirteen. Ladies and gentlemen, Katy Rose! https://youtu.be/N7Fy_fx3Ryw?si=UserVK-spJxSrpGt https://youtu.be/MVSWHsX-7P0?si=Dd5vYxkCje4W0ChU https://youtu.be/yixyq13u-qE?si=Kq6Q5Vm3BPcTL1pG
  11. So it's good that she's free now, but what comes to mind is all the times she said she had a vision for the aesthetic of the album and they weren't willing to give her a bigger budget. I'm not sure someone who needs a big budget would thrive as an independent artist, idk.
  12. when sky said good things happen to bad people ๐Ÿ˜ต
  13. Her talent is covering up nothing. Her career is exactly as far as it will go for someone who puts in zero effort. She has lost the celebrity support she briefly had over the years because she has wasted their time too.
  14. dang sky clogging up the toilets and getting up to her old shenanigans like it's september 2013 all over again. masochism is COMING. :')
  15. maybe in 2024 sky and cassie will be free to release them bopz? https://youtube.com/watch?v=i_GQw45OqLE&si=X5bMzhKBcobmPsih ๐Ÿง
  16. The whole journey has been so weird. I want to believe sky over her corporate overlords but her reasons for why things aren't panning out have always been inconsistent. Like, when sky says the album was coming but she became ill (no disrespect intended) or there's a pandemic so it's not appropriate or the uncompromised vision bit... No one at Capitol has ever commented on any of it either so we're just supposed to take her word for it all as well? I think it just boils down to sky being fefe dobson 2.0, which was basically a small dash of record label bs and the rest being making herself small for partners intimidated by female success while getting lost in a drug haze.
  17. In the cycle of "where is the album-isms", I recall seeing Sky say a few times that the label was asking her to do things that she didn't consider part of her job, like promo. You'd think she was working at Subway being asked to scrub toilets. ๐Ÿ˜•
  18. we need a wheel of prizes for sky fans. releasing an album and merch would be the tiniest pie slivers. the other pieces include: A: sky lands a photoshoot B: special edition deluxe "the album is coming... soon" card C: indie movie cameo D: a one off summer show performing night time my time songs, opening for blondie "who is ready for another round of playing night time my time?"๐Ÿ‘ด (audience cheers and waves 'free sky ferreira' flags, a tear runs down a child's face)
  19. I think that is probably the inevitable, unfortunately. She's not working through her record deal obligations and it's essentially a staring contest between sky and capitol. Capitol will win and sky will have lost years to a very expensive vision.
  20. imagine capitol sees this thing and "frees" sky from her contract. and then another 10 years has passed and somehow there's still no album. hmm...
  21. AI ferreira looks like the episode of Hey Arnold where Arnold and his grandpa are feuding.
  22. It's cute how mad this fan page is. I would assume they're a sky baby because they are unable to dispute any of it.
  23. not OP but they could always resell it on Mercari or grailed later. sky merch is very hard to come by so it does well.
  24. imagine finding the right panera location and, after much pleading, sky sings a couple bars of everything is embarrassing before the manager asks u to leave and gives sky a conduct warning.
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