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Posts posted by blackpalmtrees

  1. 1 minute ago, DCooper said:


    Or perhaps you need to see it for what it is. A thoughtful album about healing and reclaiming herself and her peace of mind after being put through the ringer countless times :true: 

    It’s both. I agree, but the BB criticism isn’t just for nothing, we’re dealing with facts today, as many other users here have pointed out so eloquently already. 


  2. Even tho BB was a sharp dip in production, creativity and quality, y’all need to see it for what it is. A throwaway project that she didn’t have a clear direction for but rather served as a outlet for her country bumpkin phase. The real Rock Candy Sweet aka LDR9 is still coming. We should be hopeful since she’s working with Jon Batiste and still has her “bombastic” Jack-NFR outtakes. We shouldn’t really use BB as a reason for our worries. 


  3. 4 minutes ago, your dealer said:

    speak for yourself babe :wtf:

    I was speaking for myself and the dozen other members here that share the same opinion :true:


    2 minutes ago, Sportscruiser said:


    I don’t even want old Lana. That would be a disservice to her growth.


    I think jazz, psychedelic rock, trip-hop in a Portishead kinda way, among others genres, would suit her so well. She’s got the writing for it, she’s got the creative vision for it. 


    Never thought of her at a position where her surroundings would be a possible cause for creative bankruptcy but you’re probably onto something here. Either way, I don’t think she’s leaving LA ever again…

    This :true:


    2 minutes ago, Xenoblade 3 said:

    Listening to AKA rn, that album has more interesting production than her last 3 albums (iktr including NFR)

    Now why would you tell the truth like this


  4. 2 minutes ago, TextBook said:

    Did I miss something? :smokes:

    No, we’re just grieving the OG Lana that gave us excellence after excellence, used guitars and drums in her songs, didn’t mind experimenting and making outside of the box music, didn’t rely on Jack aka her yes-man/lowkey handler and knew how to reinvent herself. 



  5. 6 minutes ago, lanasbottom said:

    aka not jack, not her cali bimbo friends and not her jobless family either :stareney:


     makes me think about the only interview she gave this year regarding her new album in which she said she basically has 0 idea where she’s going with it, has absolutely 0 inspiration and needs to be dragged into a studio to come up with something… like idk bout y’all but that sounds highly alarming to me :air:


    I say it once again she needs a complete life change, move back to New York/London, ditch jack, meet new and exciting people and get out of this boring country grandma bubble she’s stuck in for years now 

    The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the TRUTH



  6. 3 minutes ago, Whore of Tropico said:


    exactly my thought, at this point i dont even care if she goes rock or alternative or anything, just make everything trippy the fuck out, i need another acid record from lana Del Rey.

    for example: imagine her doing trippy-jazz

    Dealer gave us a taste of trippy-jazz, idk why she insists on using soft instrumentals when she sounds so good on top of a drum, beat, guitar, etc. Her experimental music has way more soul than whatever jack Anton off can provide (except for NFR! he ate that) 



  7. 59 minutes ago, Mer said:

    Bruh. If she’s a nurse she’s obviously more likely to get exposed to COVID. 

    You would think with 4 doses and immunity that it would be harder to get tho… plus she wears a mask so apparently the masks ain’t worth sh*t either 



  8. I never got vaxxed and only had covid once. Meanwhile, my bestie who’s a nurse had all the shots including the boosters and has had covid 4 times so far. I know people in my family who have developed muscle disease and skin disorders after taking that poison.

    But i guess it all worked out for the powers that be now they’re billions of dollars richer and more powerful. Stay woke. 


  9. Update


    I like Blue Banisters but the tracklisting makes it seem way worse than it is. She needed to spread out the slow piano songs and scatter the faster songs like BBS, IYLDWM, Dealer among them to break up the monotone sound… ideally cut out some of the old leaks too and keep the original Thunder 


  10. Blue Banisters is the only Lana album I avoid with the exception of a few songs like WW, LL, Text Book, BBS… the others are just so lifeless and boring. Out of all the unreleased gems she has stored like Hollywood, Fine China, Wild One, Yes to Heaven etc she dusted off the most simple and uninspired songs to fill in the album.



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