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Posts posted by ethelcain

  1. 15 minutes ago, Vulgar said:

    Rocker feller, my umbrella

    God, I love you, baby

    Story teller, my own L.A.

    You're my only baby


    But your love is so rock candy sweet, candy necklace type of thing

    In the moonlight, you are glistening

    I'm in your bedroom fast asleep


    Every candy necklace has it's end,


    Every candy necklace has to break,

    Like our love, it's scary

    you taking an hour to create an account on here and come up with these lyrics: 

    Reveluiv Gabbie Hanna Typing GIF - Reveluiv Gabbie Hanna Typing GIFs

  2. 6 minutes ago, ruined said:

    It's dry but just a game

    So play it like a symphony

    anyways :eartha2:

    moving awwwn

    I'm curious to know what animal will be associated with DYKTTATUOB the most


    BTD: Tiger

    Paradise: Snake

    UV: Dragon

    HM: Flamingo

    LFL: Horse

    NFR: Butterfly

    COTCC: Wolf

    BB: German Shepherd


    a dove! 🕊️ 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Louise said:

    Since this thread discussion about videos is speaking about Nikki Lane jumping in the water with Jenny, the song BB is not off-topic . . . Is the lyric printed on the dust jacket? I just played the mp3 of Blue Banisters purchased from Amazon a while back, and the lyric sounds very much like "It's of age." Your observation makes it occur to me Lana is transposing "it's a bane" for "it's of age," as she often does within the song, like "The kids were young and pretty" and at the end, "And we were young and pretty" on Old Money. Except she did it on an album sleeve instead of in the song itself. It would make sense. One "bane" of Hollyweird is men being paired in films with young actesses half or a third their age . . . and men in general wanting to date young women. It is an ongoing conversation in Hollywood there are many beautiful, accomplished women over 50, but not many men available who are suitable matches for them. And the ones up in age - one, an actor, was quoted as saying men like to date young because they can "mold" a younger woman more easily than a mature one. A mature, successful woman is already set in her ways. Society keeps reflecting the movies. The reason so many old, old men are paired with one women in film is because those films are made by men, directed and written by men! And that is a fantasy of an old man, to marry a younger woman who adores him. It is simply not reality. For instance, Audrey Hepburn was 34 paired with 59-year old Cary Grant in Charade. 25-year old Audrey lived happily ever after with 55-year old Humphrey Bogart in Sabrina. One of the most egregrious examples is Catherine Zeta-Jones paried with Sean Connery in Entrapment when she was 30 and he 69 - more than twice her age! Movies are littered with these age gaps which spring from mens' fantasies.

    In conclusion, maybe I project meanings to Lana lyrics which she didn't intend . . . but I can't help it! Like, these are EXACTLY the blue banisters Lana is referring to in BB . . . they are from the Queen Elizabeth's Greenwich apartment, and the pic Lana posted when she is looking up at them.c19e0d1fd5a025d1e4a0390cd6fb9240.jpg161960213960892adb95a0f.jpg

    At the same time, Lana was tweeting or posting to IG about the beautiful union between Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, who died in April 2021 . . . I can't remember is it condolences, or, an anniversary or what the occasion is.

     jumping into swiftie territory i see :xgiggle:

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