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  1. I'm Brazilian and I don't agree. Many dropped her, it wasn't confirmed at any festival here in Brazil, it has no demand. No one knows her anymore, if there are fans there are about 30. She talked and talked on instagram and confirmed the obvious: She wants disclosure, she wants Capitol Records to produce physical albums with the release and they are giving her the chance to release everything on streaming and disappear from this place. Disclosure??WHAT? I think it's funny that she wants this now, when she rejected all of that in her debut. Everything they offered her was no good, so they archived songs and more songs, so they kicked her for demanding too much. Does she think she's too big of a pop artist to want physical albums with her release? In her place, being out of options, I would accept the option of releasing everything without disclosure on streaming, there would be only one more album left to disappear from this place, but she proved today that she is in a tantrum with them. So I couldn't care less about Sky a from now on... The only thing I want from Sky is for All My Lovers Die to leak, which by the way looks like a demo she posted on her instagram story in 2017 and didn't finish after years and sang in these horrible shows. (despite being a demo, it's a beautiful song that I want to hear in tuned voice) And now once again she's being cynical saying she was adjusting sound?? All of them she was late, how can anyone say that she is on the side adjusting something when it takes 30 minutes to go on stage. A friend who now lives in Portugal went out to see her sing at the Roskilde Festival and was late again? Well, not even me and he takes money out of his ass every day to go to a Primavera Sound, especially in Brazil, I would ask for a refund if a singer did that to me. I pay to see someone sing, not to be a show with delays and no sound synchronization. If she does something like that in Brazil, the audience throws a water bottle on her head or whatever she has in her hand. We are people who work hard every day and we recognize where our sweat comes from to earn this money in a country like this to see a white bitch do shit on stage..
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