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ivory almond

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Everything posted by ivory almond

  1. WHEN SHE OPENS WITH You know, sometimes I think God is playing a little game with me PEOPLE WOULD DIE
  2. 15 minutes oh fuck we'll never be the same, remember this moment before it all changed
  3. the stars in the background of the set... BLACK MAGIC STARS RELEASE OMFG i can see starssss, i can staaaarrrrrsss, over youuuu
  4. no joke i just violently shitted my pants but i will not be getting up to clean up out of fear of missing it
  5. the columns being the color of the vinyl variants for ocean blvd... hot pink/red, green, light purple, orange... 4 new tracks... pearl... watch me... ring a bell... PSYCHO LIFEGUARD @Psychedelic Pussy PSYCHEDELIC SURF ROCK TRAP HOP WE WON OMFG
  6. imagine we got sc@t attacked rn by @Ocean Boulevard
  7. im ready for full on BTD 2012 lana to come out honestly
  8. when all the lights go dark and then u hear Caught up in a blizzard yesterday...
  9. @111 @fl0r1dakil0s @Wait For Life @Unknown if she plays brooklyn baby and jealous girl, one of u leaks brooklyn baby demo hawaiian tea, deal?
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