The History of #lyricgate
The Morning of February 8, 2023 — A&W is uploaded to Musixmatch. This along with Apple Music adding the song's length, an insider claiming to have information, and a Chinese website adding A&W's release date, all send LanaBoards into chaos about the upcoming single.
The Evening of February 8, 2023 — I, @ivory almond, wrote up fake lyrics to the song A&W using the already known lyrics, "Mom called" and "This is the experience of being an American Whore" that were provided by insiders. I proceed to upload them to Musixmatch. LanaBoards sees the added lyrics and investigates them. Their conclusion? Fake. And the suspect? A guy by the name of Max ******, and he is also suspected to be from LanaBoards by @Blossom, who says "y'all thats ivory almond's real name. Sarah Paulson stop trolling!!!!!!" This was discovered after a past post from me with my spotify account exposed my real name, Max ******
11 AM est, February 14, 2023 — A&W is released on streaming platforms. Not long after, Tidal uploads the infamous fake lyrics. Youtube Music and Spotify follow, also uploading the fake lyrics. This starts the long chain of threats against me, with LanaBoards users posting "ivory almond, trust you will be dealt with"
The Evening of February 15, 2023 — I return from my week long class trip to a brand new single and loads of notifications. Realizing the lyrics were uploaded to streaming platforms and my identity was revealed, I was quick to play dumb and asked why everyone thought it was me. In what was shaping up to be a heated argument with Blossom, they explained how exactly everyone knew. Knowing there was no way out, I admitted it, and realized how much I had negatively impacted the community. I apologized to all users who had called me out, and publicly posted a status update with my apologies. Blossom suggested joining a sport/club to take up my free time and also thought I should email Musixmatch and Spotify to clean up my mess, which I did.
8:24 PM est, February 15, 2023 — After I sent a screenshot of my email, @ultrabanisters posted "#lyricgate proving entertaining this evening " and thus, #lyricgate was born.
The Afternoon of February 16, 2023 — The fake lyrics are still up on all streaming platforms. In a rather unsettling TikTok, a fan posts the fake lyrics, believing that they are real and a "hidden message" from Lana herself. Here is the link to that video, viewer discretion advised: lyrics lana&t=1676709059356 Currently, the video is at 19k likes and 121k views. Many other videos and reddit posts begin to surface. One anonymous person claims they emailed someone who works for Lana's team and was told that they are actually part of a monologue from "Judah Smith Interlude." Others claim they are lyrics from an early demo of the song.
The Night of February 17, 2023 (today) — Early yesterday, the real lyrics were finally uploaded. However, my legacy stays strong amongst clueless fans. A few LanaBoards users, myself included, are directed to this thread for lore after someone discussed the chaotic history of this pre-release era. It is now almost 4 AM est when I am posting this, documenting #lyricgate for those who are lucky enough to discover it far into the future. This is ivory almond AKA Max, signing off.