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RIP ivory almond

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Everything posted by RIP ivory almond

  1. @motel six wait 2 turns ho cult leader 15 hollywood 37
  2. this will truly go down as one of the worst lana eras of all time... only thing that can redeem it is lasso being her best album
  3. Hollywood 34 Cult leader 18 the war starts now...
  4. bitch u stole nocturne from me
  5. lana del dufrene you just posted a literal second after i did with wrong numbers too which is why u had to edit it, take it slow Cult Leader 6 AFFA 10 Hollywood 37
  6. enough with the copy and paste girl, you just asked for us to stop going so fast
  7. no, u still have it at 14 when it should be at 13
  8. @Candy Necklace edited theirs still waiting on @Lana Del Dufrene...
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