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Voluntary Leave
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Everything posted by ll

  1. by the looks of it the album is probably going to leak thru vinyl so we’ll see
  2. hi everyone ! told you i’d be back in march. did u miss me? answering some questions you have on the 10th <3 hope to see you there x
  3. legend has it that Lana asked him to stand on her father’s shoulders while he was deep sea fishing
  4. it definitely makes sense but it makes the song much darker, i guess it depends on how the listener wants to look at it
  5. to add on to this, i think it’s meant to show the dopamine rush she gets from her “american whore” lifestyle. part 1 reflects on the darkness she feels from it, and part 2 is how it makes her feel free
  6. personally i think the lyrics are “called up one, drunk called up another” (insinuating an impulsive decision while intoxicated, also relates to “yeah i know i’m over my head” in the 2nd chorus) “if i told you that it was me did you really think that anybody would think i didn’t ask for it” (saying rxped is such a sharp turn in the song imo to the point where it wouldn’t make sense, and the “i testified i already fucked up my story” is just her saying she’s an unreliable narrator and that how she’s describing herself in the song is just how she views herself and not 100% accurate)
  7. it’s September 2023. you are in the crowd watching Nikki Lane open for Lana’s Tunnel Tour. once she finishes her set, the curtains close and the lights dim. suddenly you hear a piano and a faint voice singing, ”mom called, she was screaming as usual.” the crowd cheers.
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