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Posts posted by gabe

  1. 9 hours ago, barttttender said:


    i'm not interested in this bait soz. I'm neither antisemitic not spewing anything. I'm defending innocent civilians against the second coming of Hitler. And i do not need your editorial commentary. The world needs more voices like mine right now - not your pointless debating of semantics. You go take a break from the internet if you like - i'm staying here.

    Referring to my comments as “bait” just because you refuse to accept that what you’re saying can easily be interpreted as antisemitic after the plethora of comments you’ve made attacking a group of people that aren’t indicative of a government and its actions.


    As I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, you literally PUBLICLY said on a PUBLIC forum (which means anyone can view this thread, anyone can see your comments) that you were “considering becoming antisemitic” merely because of a government that doesn’t represent the entire faith of a people. Get a morals check.

  2. 9 hours ago, barttttender said:

    also, it's not just the israeli government that's endorsing this genocide - plenty of politicians, journalists and civilians are using nazi rethorics sprinkled with the bible / faith nonsense. I have the full right to say that i'm not exactly a fan of the jewish faith right now. Not when that same faith allows theft, occupation, rape, and murder of women and children. Also, is Israel being "nuanced" right now? Do we have to be gentle about it? Nobody owes Israel anything at this point. Bolivia has just cut its diplomatic ties with it, and if there's any justice in the world, others will follow.


    Also, in case you try to play the anti-semitism card, i'm a Serbjan guy from Europe. Christian orthodox. We were against the Nazis in the second world war - unlike Croats.


    i'm neither on the jew nor muslim side. I have no personal stake in this. But when i see a lack of "nuance" from an entire "nation", pardon me for not tiptoing around and saying how angred i really am by their revolting behavior. Now please stop this pointless discussion and go donate some money to Gaza, or make yourself useful.

    Do you even know what the word nuanced means??


    Once again, you’re being antisemitic. You saying “I’m not a fan of the Jewish faith right now” is literally antisemitic. The Jewish faith isn’t the one responsible, you’re blaming a FAITH (which includes people from around the world!) instead of a government. The Jewish faith does not equal the Israeli government. That’s antisemitic.

  3. Just now, barttttender said:



    gurrrllll..... just stop.

    Once again, no nuance added. Just playing defense when you’ve outed yourself on a public forum that you would decide to participate in the hatred of a group of people because of the actions of a government that isn’t indicative of that group.


    Insanely weird. Maybe take a break from the Internet if you’re going to just spew hatred instead of articulating actual thoughts to such a complex topic.

  4. 37 minutes ago, barttttender said:


    I'm not antisemitic, I've already explained that.


    But I also said that if Israel continues the slaughter, me (and others) might just become. That's just how atrocious Israel is behaving rn.  Even the comments on Israelis on social are vile beyond belief.


    I stand behind this statement. If you have a problem with it, oh well

    You literally just said you’d *become* antisemitic. You’re stating you would hate an entire group of people because of a government… and douse yourself in being a bigot… just weird.. 


    Once again stating all of this on a PUBLIC forum is crazy. So many people can see your grotesque words where you are undoubtedly just calling yourself an antisemite.

  5. 14 hours ago, barttttender said:


    Ummm, not true. I'm not anti-semitic yet.


    But Israel has not exactly painted a pretty picture of the Jewish community over the last 10 days. You can not possibly blame anyone for anti-semitism sentiments at this point. Genocide is genocide and a good PR move for Israel or the Jewish community it ain't. You'd think that they'd know better (the Holocaust).

    If you're going to come onto a PUBLIC thread trying to act educated and provide nuance onto a topic, maybe try framing your argument without antisemitic undertones.


    12 hours ago, barttttender said:


    Sure... As soon as they stop the genocide. :hoe:



  6. 8 minutes ago, Wait For Life said:

    Utterly fake.  I know Kurross myself and he is a Grade A liar.  So you’re telling me that one of Lana’s “friends” from school magically -


    1. Moved to London

    2. Received a 1/25 signed promo CD

    3. Ended up in a Barnes and Noble

    4. SOLD it to a minor


    Yea, exactly… :P


    It’s no wonder he blocked me just now x

    his source: “trust me”

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