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Posts posted by honeymoonboulevard

  1. While it’s lovely sounding and beautifully written it’s not what I’d have went with to pre-empt the album …  definitely will take a few listens to get into and I don’t think it’s a song I’ll have on repeat - although that is subject to change (I didnt like Terrence when it debuted on the radio but it’s now something I play often)


    the track list for this album is long so I don’t think we really know what to expect with the overall vibes of the album, and I did like DYKTTATOUB and A&W 

  2. man it's a festival - there's music happening everywhere and various times. If you don't like an artist - go to a different one...


    Really don't understand that the minute a line up is posted everyone wants to run and be all "why is X person even there" or "why are they bigger than X on the poster" when you're at the festival you don't care where they're playing or at what time 


    Lana has already played the Pyramid stage, she'll probs still be on there and maybe get a later stage time in the day 

  3. 8 hours ago, sadness is a butterfly said:


    here’s the shirt if you’re curious :usrsney:

    Wow how did this even pass a quality check ?? 


    This looks like those transfers you can print and iron on yourself looool:horror2:

  4. 2 hours ago, Elle said:

    Interestingly enough, there’s a new IG account called “borntodie” and I can’t imagine that username wasn’t taken… they follow Rihanna, Bella Hadid, Doja Cat, Selena Gomez, The Weeknd, and Taylor Swift x


    Haha I actually kinda love that…:ohmy:

    I can’t imagine she or her team would go back and start random album title accounts but also .. maybe not totally out of the realms of possibility 

  5. I used to be really into collecting and merch but I find nowadays artists don't put as much effort into merch anymore or put effort into really random items that no one is ever gonna use of buy


    For me to really want to buy merch these days it would have to be something quite special or something I'd wear or get use of often 

  6. 9 minutes ago, honeymoonwhore said:

    When I discovered Lana, I was 13, and my favorite songs were the "unpopular", deep cut ones - Lucky ones, tiwmug, blue velvet, bel air, sad girl, god knows I tried, etc. I didn't listen to her famous songs very often.

    Now that I am 10 years older, I think the popular ones are my favorites :icant: there was a total shift. Sometimes I'll be listening to summertime sadness or born to die and I'm like "I see why these songs were picked as singles, they're so fucking good". I think SS became a top 20 Lana song for me since last year.

    I think that as a teenager I was still building a personality and finding myself, so I tried to be sort of edgy even with my music tastes. Nowadays I can confidently say I love all her albums and most of her songs, but I appreciate the ones that made her famous much more.


    I totally get this. I was 14/15 when BTD and Paradise were released and it was “cooler” to pick the lesser known songs but you’re right Summertime Sadness is a jewel from those early days and I can see why a lot of people enjoy this so I appreciate the value it can add 

  7. 1 hour ago, Let the Light In said:

    So when she sings “I had no idea you were engaged” is she talking about Sean? Is this related to “a singer can still be lookin' like a sidepiece at 33“ line since she dated him when she was around 33?

    When does she say "i had no idea you were engaged" ??


    The third verse is honestly a lyrical minefield :dafuq:


  8. 13 minutes ago, shady said:


    I feel like they don't take themselves seriously and that's okay. Everyone expects rock music to have some clever lyrics but it's okay for lyrics to be brainless as long as the music is catchy. That is allowed in pop and hip hop so why do we have so much higher expectations for rock? I feel like they gained a lot of attention because they have no competition, not because their music is that good. I personally like their music. 


    I see when you're coming from and I do believe brainless lyrics and catchy songs aren't exclusive to any genre - but my critique of the lyrics is more from the point that it's entirely lazy and unoriginal, they've just plucked one liners from culturally relevant things and actually I think even if the song was in pop or hip hop style it would get called out for that more. But because it's rocky/folky/indie style people are more accepting of it. 


    In terms of competition, you're right to an extent there's nothing that's come out in the last year that's had the same sort of vibes, however, they're style is very reminiscent of First Aid Kit a Swedish folk/indie duo although I'm not saying they're directly copying them. 


    They've also had the music used in advertisements and promos all over TV and social media so that's definitely helped draw in the gen pop. I have no real problems with the music, I do think it's catchy but just kinda lazy. 

  9. Going to leave A&W and Ocean Blvd off - seeing as we’ve heard them so it would be easy to rank them high 


    1. Kintsugi

    2. Fingertips

    3. Candy Necklace

    4. Let the Light In

    5. Fishtail

    6. Paris, Texas

    7. Sweet

    8. Peppers

    9. Taco Truck x VB

    10. Grandfather, please stand on the shoulders of my father while he deep sea fishes

    11. Jon Batiste Interlude 

    12. Margaret 

    14. Judah Smith Interlude


    only time will tell :twirls:





  10. Idk if this has been previously mentioned but I’m just not buying into the hype the band Wet Leg are getting atm. 

    Their songs two biggest songs are catchy - but the catchiest parts are mostly references and I just feel like it’s not original for example 


    Wet Dream - “here we go here we go here we go” is a really common chant in the UK - to the point I don’t even know it’s origins but I know the appropriate times to use it and it’s used widely 


    Chaise Longue - “is your muffin buttered” Mean Girls 


    Even when they won their Brit Award they quoted Alex Turner’s acceptance speech. 

     It all just feels very recycled and unoriginal. 

    No real hate to them tho, they’ve had massive success so fair play in that respect (with some thanks to TikTok) . But I just don’t get the hype and I won’t be trying to either. 

    Also I’m not saying people can’t make references or quote things directly in music it’s just feels lazy from their pov especially as this is their debut and these are their biggest tracks 

  11. On 2/11/2023 at 12:01 AM, americangothic said:

    Woah, is "Chromatica" an universally hated album around here? I'm not the biggest Gaga stan or pop music lover, but I found it quite a fun listening experience (?)


    The album had a completely different roll out planned, but, due to the pandemic it caused a delay in the release and halted all of the roll out plans. 

    Gaga and her team really didn't do much to claw back what was missed 


    Also the lead single had leaked for about 2 months before she released it. 


    But overall it is great album with some definite pop gems it just didn't get the treatment from Gaga and her team it deserved and fans picked up on that. 



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