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Everything posted by lanasozempicpen

  1. this is the first time in a while that im listening to songs for the first time by her and i really like it. couldnt say the same about BB COCC
  2. ok ok... cherry came on and i think this was one of the first "trap" lana songs we got. how does it compare to A&W? I think cherry > A&W
  3. does anyone know the songs where she discusses the wild and free lyrics and how they matured thru the albums. my dumbass forgot the 3 songs and what the lyrics are.
  4. i didnt want to say but i think its good to discuss political stuff idk why people want to shut it down... i mean it relates to the topic so...
  5. RANK TITLE TRACKS ! 1. UV 2. HM 3. NFR 4. BTD 5. BB 6. LFL 7. DYKTTATUOB.. sorry.. 8. COTCC.. forgot about this one sorry xx
  6. i personally prefer some of the demos for love more than the one that was on the album
  7. based on leaks and releases so far, where would you rank the album? I still think UV will always be my favorite. ocean sounds promising tho. i would have to it put in 3rd place so far. UV > HM > Ocean would be my top 3.
  8. i think its an opener that will grow with me. now i dont like it all too much but i can see myself in 6 months singing to it.
  9. yall making me feel the need to explain myself. im not calling lana a white republican karen. all i am saying is she publicly will do things that sway more republican and that allows people to get the impression she is a republican. the mask, the questionable lyrics and press releases... it all gives them something to work with. sure she does things that are more democrat but in today's oppressed generation they will ignore all that shit the second they see you doing something questionable. lana is someone who publicly presents themselves as moderate and thats fine. yall need to understand that youre defending a system that is so corrupt anyways. both sides are fucked up. as long as she isn't hurting anyone (starts to act like kanye), let the girl live damn.
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