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Everything posted by lanasozempicpen

  1. i think its an opener that will grow with me. now i dont like it all too much but i can see myself in 6 months singing to it.
  2. yall making me feel the need to explain myself. im not calling lana a white republican karen. all i am saying is she publicly will do things that sway more republican and that allows people to get the impression she is a republican. the mask, the questionable lyrics and press releases... it all gives them something to work with. sure she does things that are more democrat but in today's oppressed generation they will ignore all that shit the second they see you doing something questionable. lana is someone who publicly presents themselves as moderate and thats fine. yall need to understand that youre defending a system that is so corrupt anyways. both sides are fucked up. as long as she isn't hurting anyone (starts to act like kanye), let the girl live damn.
  3. youre reading into what i am saying. idk how else to explain this shit. she has some views from both sides. both sides are corrupt. both side are wrong, and right. it depends who is in office. ok im done.
  4. people with a brain are going to continue to the next track anyone else will jump online and drag her for it
  5. you do realize that hating trump doesn't automatically mean you're not republican... lana is at most moderate when it comes to politics i dont think she picks "a side"
  6. people love to say things but will never actually vote to change those matters being woke is okay but there's being woke and fake woke and i view most of these teens online as being woke for no reason.
  7. literally can we stop talking about this i will care when her "statement" comes out if there's even one (doubt)
  8. would love to know the line for these people where they draw appreciation to appropriation. idk about better than nfr but it will be better than the last two albums for sure couldn't care less about the opinion of 14 year old woke teens that can't vote and won't vote when they turn 18
  9. the whole picture isn't that good for her. lana is someone is presents themselves to be more republican than democrat, so woke people will run with that. QFTC, the mask, the lyrics... it just give these people great ways to try to cancel her. i understand she should say and do what she wants, its her art, but i'm still very surprised the lyric made it to the song.
  10. ofc other countries have "white culture" but USA seems to take it a bit too far so i think the lyric effects more western culture than others.
  11. excuse my ignorance if i misunderstood but i think by "white culture" we're referring to american culture. i don't see why else this is such a deal to any other culture. american's are soft. grow up!!! (ofc not all of america is white culture blah blah, yall understand hopefully)
  12. i think we should just wait for the song to officially come out so she can talk about it and not just try to make excuses for her. we can possibly be interpreting this wrong and making the image for the song much worse than it needs to be. we already know that social media is going to try to fuck her for this as woke as they are sometimes.
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