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how the light shines in

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Posts posted by how the light shines in

  1. 6 hours ago, Eat The Ducky Moss said:

    I know majority of us do not like him - me personally I do agree with some points he makes on his more recent reviews lately - but I uploaded excerpts of Anthony Fantano reacting to some few tracks of Ocean Blvd from yesterday’s stream.  Overall, he has rated all singles on his “Best Music of the Week” as well as complimenting every track he’s heard so far… 


    Anyways, here ya go if you wanna watch. 



    "I feel like Lana should have titled this album 'Calming the Hoes' "  


    ah yes, I remember life before the last three tracks on this album too :godlaugh:

  2. I have returned, I have cried, I have deliriously shaken my ass at 1:30am on a Friday morning. 

    First thoughts I noted while listening :crying4::sluttybunny:

    •  Sweet: Ethereal beauty written around a heart aching to bridge the gap between dating and settling down with a family. Chasing that dream through an undeniable retro Disney vibe; y'know the place "Where Dreams Do Come True"  
    • Interlude 1: Confronting Art for arts sake. I think this track will make more sense the more I listen to the album in sequence. Don't get me wrong, it's powerful and almost moving, but unsettling too. 
    • Candy Necklace: The entire track screams Black Beauty for it's content and theme. Haunting, incredible. A melody that will never leave me. The PIANO is SPELLBINDING. The outro is an out of body experience. I shall never look at a candy necklace the same again lol
    • Second Interlude: Holy shit. A FEELING. A MOMENT. A creeping exalted spiritual lift through your body. Made for Dolby atmos. This feels like we just wandered past a house in the middle of the old New Orleans, a ritual is in place, a connection with spirits and gods alike. I feel like I was never meant to hear this. 
    • Kintsugi: Real tears. How is both hope and hurt being directly shot into my heart. It's just gorgeous. “I don’t know anyone left to know songs that I sing.” “And then you’re golden” “just another folk song but anyway ” every line, HITS
    • Fingertips: isn't a song, it's an experience of a poet deconstructing themself, on a global stage. It's a work of art we should recognise we are so very lucky to have ever accessed. 
    • Paris Texas: Theatrical, whimsical, this album feels like it could have been a musical. Beautiful. I almost wonder if some of these melodies did start out as songs for movies. 
    • Grandfather please stand on my heart while it is crushed from unending feelings: The CHORUS is a masterpiece of music. The EMOTION that comes through in this song and her vocals are incredible. ‘But they were wrong’ you tell them girl
    • Let the Light In: I usually love FJM collaborating with Lana but this one leaves me ACHING to hear a Lana solo version. A western romcom song from the 40’s, a warm hug in a sun dress on a summers evening from your husband. Light. 
    • Margaret: The start of Margaret simply is soul lifting. “When you’re good, it’s gold” oh fuck I’m happy crying over a Lana song. I’m smiling like an idiot. I love love. 
    • Fishtail: this is it, this is our Lizzy Grant in modern times masterpiece. The SECOND the track started I double take'd at my phone, she lives. My notes for this song literally say "Lizzy grant???!! Oh that BEAT H I mzkskmekdkem WHAT. We need fucking visuals for this, We NEED. Wow" 
    • Peppers: At this point my brain was shutting down from so much to process at a stupid hour of the morning and I was merely LIVING. "Take a minute to yourself, skinny dip in my mind. I'm in love, I'm in love" if it wasn't 1:30am my ass would be MOVING. Surf rock party vibes ONLY. I can't believe we've gotten trap/pop/hip hop Lana back after all this time and she's still so authentically herself. 
    • Venice bitches drugged out sister is here to SLAP
    • The Outro to end all outros.


    I have hardly any words, I'm just so happy, so para-socially proud and so relived pre-release hell is over. If you have yet to hear the record, don't panic. Oh it's worth the wait. Mother Delivered. 
    Also I stan Jack Donoghue, Goodnight :wub:

  3. "Standout track ‘A&W’ suggests so: it mimics this equation almost to scale across a grandiose seven minutes and 15 seconds, four of which are all folksy strings, as Lana casually declares herself an ‘American whore’ – “it’s not about having someone to love me anymore,” she converses drowsily, like ‘Gods and Monsters’ Lana the morning after a night of debauchery – before the song thrillingly transmogrifies into a trap-hop kiss-off with an air of the spooky." https://www.attitude.co.uk/culture/music/lana-del-rey-did-you-know-that-theres-a-tunnel-under-ocean-blvd-review-428719/

    Love this reviewer pointing out the vibey link between Gods and Monsters and A&W, I don't think I'll ever be finished finding parallels to her old work in this new album :wub:

  4. 9 minutes ago, Future Jazz said:

    I also think there’s a good chance leakers do have Candy Necklace but are not leaking it because of that rumor that they don’t have it. Some people do have it, at the very least, like Kintsugi and BoZ. But yeah, really not very nice on the others’ part not to clarify if they have it or not  

    ohhh so like if there are rumours that it's missing for some leakers then ones that do in fact have it will be reluctant to say so/drop it for fear of that outing them? 

  5. okay okay okay so, hear me out, this full HQ leak without Candy Necklace has some really interesting implications for future leaks. Unless I've missed some crazy lore, that song has obviously only gone out to a few people. And therefore she has the potential to really narrow down who is involved in her process that can be trusted. Anyone with CN is currently a safe source for her and that's kind of fascinating to me. 

    Don't mind me, just keeping my brain busy while you guys ascend and I wait until release day :brows::blanche7:

  6. so first post on Lanaboards after lurking this pre-release and it's absolute feels-shit so under a spoiler to not be annoying it goes lol 


    I just played The Grants for my (religious) boyfriend for the first time and afterwards he said the song is beautiful. And then, because he's largely deaf, I read the lyrics to him and half way through I'm like choking up and then he's like 'I'm gonna take you with me' and I am DESTROYED this song is fucking beautiful oh my god :crying4:
    Having a real; 'look how much we've all grown and how far we've come since BTD' moment right now. I can't wait for this album :wub:


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