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Sam Fucking Rockwell

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Posts posted by Sam Fucking Rockwell

  1. I love Lana and her music no matter what she looks like, but I can't help but miss her BTD era look. She used to look so fresh and youthful, while now she looks kinda... idk, mom-ish? And it seems to get worse with every era/year. I just can't stand her styling lately, it makes me sad. :defeated:

  2. Like others have said - not feeling the cover at all. It's weird. The writing on the car distracts from everything else in the picture. It's just not a good shot. I've loved pretty much all of her artwork up until now, but I can't get behind this.


    I am excited about the tracklist, though. The music is the most important part after all and 14 tracks is great. I just hope they don't all have that super slow Honeymoon/TLY-sound. I really liked Honeymoon, but I'm having a hard time getting into TLY. I'm not sure if I like it. I don't really mind slow songs, but there's just nothing to hold on to in TLY.

  3. I liked the video. At first I thought it was gonna be her walking around the house for the duration of the video and I was like no why :( , but then I "got it." It's pretty funny and does give a new meaning to the song. Kinda wished for something more, but I'm happy with what we got. :kiss:

  4. I don't really think Honeymoon / WFL / BE / ICF / any of her slow songs are boring. I don't know if it's because I spent most of my teens listening to the slowest saddest folksy guitar music, but I'm just never bored by her slow songs. I also love her upbeat fun pop songs, don't worry.


    I love the HBTB cover and I don't see a problem with the font. 



  5. Love the song. Her vocals are better than ever and the atmosphere and the strings are just beautiful. I will say that the lyrics aren't the best, though. There's some good lines in there, but there's also a lot of lines that just feel clunky and weird. :eek: 


    Either way, I'm very excited for this new album and era. Hope there'll be more effort put into this era. Kinda miss the BTD days when she put a lot of effort into basically everything (music videos, her style on and off stage), and it was so good because of it. But if she remains lazy, I'll be happy with just the music too I guess.

  6. I wouldn't say she's changed me, but she has influenced me in many different way. When BTD was released it was more like I found something I've always looked for. Just an artist that really resonates with me in every way, like a kindred spirit, haha. I remember putting on BTD and listening to the title track for the first time, and it just immediatly clicked with me and I knew that I'd found something special. I wish I could feel that feeling again with another artist, but I guess it's pretty rare.


    I went into rehab when BTD was released and it was the first "fun" music I'd listened to in years, it made me realise I was only 17 and I should act my age and have fun. It sounds really simple but it was so important to me and it helped me overcome addiction stuff I was dealing with. Cause she was sober and still managed to be fun... People make jokes about Lana's music being dark and depressing but I have never thought that at all haha.


    I totally agree. She has a few songs that make me tear up, Born To Die still makes me tear up after all this time because I've been suicidal for large parts of my life. But most of her music is fun and sweet - though it often has dark themes, it doesn't make me feel bad.

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