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Posts posted by shadesofblue

  1. 48 minutes ago, colaandvideogames said:

    Don’t shun me for this but the reason I didn’t mention this event a few days back is because I was genuinely worried that the millionaire fans from California that see her on a monthly basis would fly out here and lessen my chances. Yes I know that’s selfish of me but like, this will be my first time ever getting to talk to her. They talk to her all the time! :um3:  
    I promise to treat her with respect and will paint the fandom in a good light of course ❤️

    that's not selfish at all, don't even worry about it! i'm glad it went to a deserving fan esp a LB member  :true:

  2. fuck paparazzi they're terrible people and idk why they're still a thing. she never reacts like this so you know it was bad. she always makes time to interact with fans if she has the chance, so she was obv being provoked. makes me sad she can't even go shopping on her free time across the world in peace. it's the little time she gets to enjoy her time in paris leave her alone.

  3. 37 minutes ago, Sportscruiser said:



    Anyways, this is me not giving up.

    I believe in you we are all manifesting :pray2: 

    since you’re working for the press or what not backstage is there a way you can tell security you’re with them? I’m sure you prob already tried but it might work by getting someone else from your team to talk to them idk how it works. if it doesn’t work out don’t worry about it, it’s still super cool!

  4. The more I listen to brat the more I love it <3 seems like a lot of great reviews too! tbh there’s not really any songs I dislike. I wasn’t sure about the slower songs at first, but they flow really well actually. it’s a solid album prob my fav or 2nd fav charli albums
    My favs are: 360, 365, club classics, sympathy is a knife, I might say something stupid, mean girls, talk talk, von dutch, apple, b2b (pretty much all of them though)



  5. i get that it’s an article about taylor so at least it makes more sense contextually, but it’s more so just the media being more interested in asking lana about taylor rubs me the wrong way. Idc which artist it is, it would be just as disrespectful for the media to ask taylor about lana more than herself or anyone else’s music. We’ve heard them ask lana about taylor more than lana about lana the past half year or so. It’s fair to partially blame lana for the lack of info about her music bc she’s capable of talking about it herself, but just seems common courtesy 

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