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Posts posted by Bluelake

  1. “Eat the Acid” has been stuck in my head lately. I really love that song, it’s so ominous. so I guess it’s time to revisit Gag Order! :)

  2. Excited for the release tonight. This album seems special to her, so hoping there was more attention to detail this go-around. I’ve heard some snippets and they sound great. “Last Kiss” is a really good song and in my opinion much much more emotional than “All Too Well.”

  3. Life doesn't always work out like you planned it
    They say make lemonade outta lemons
    But I tried and I just can't understand it

    All this tryin' for no good reason
    Man makes plans and God laughs
    Why do I even bother to ask?

    Well, once, you and I
    We were the king and queen of this town
    It doesn't matter now, the sun's settin' on our love
    Bye, baby


    Starry Eyed will always be one of my favorites…

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