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Posts posted by Pedriko

  1. 5 hours ago, daphnedinkley said:

    from what i’ve gleaned, Reading is a tad more easygoing than it’s Leeds counterpart!


    i’ll try to elaborate just so it makes a lil more sense why i’m dreading it so much hahah! honestly, i don’t want to sound like i’m being super mean about leeds fest; i quite enjoyed it when i was much much younger, but going back as an adult i absolutely hated it. my friends are all massive lana fans and we went down to london and spent a bunch of money to see her at hyde park so they’re the kind to follow lana to the gates of hell, but even they’re all refusing to come with me to leeds fest so we can see her and it’s only down the road from us:rip: leeds fest is very much a young persons festival; it’s the end of gcses / end-of-college-year tradition for many 15-18 year olds up north. as such, it’s about 90% filled with underage teens who aren’t used to that sort of environment getting absolutely off their head - as they should! bc partying is fun and drugs and booze and live music and festivals are all the most fun at that age! i’d never slate them for that! but being there as an adult was very very jarring for me. last time i went i took my nephew and bc it was a birthday gift for him, we spent a lot of time in the hip hop tent bc that’s where most of his fave artists were and i believe i was the oldest person in the entire tent - i was 24 at the time :rip: so because it’s full of young and inexperienced partygoers, a lot of them don’t know how to act, they don’t have concert etiquette and it can just feel like a giant expensive sweaty freshers fair at points.


    for example, just anecdotes from my personal experience but my nephew and i were there for a day, and in that one day: a 16 year old tried chatting me up and would not leave me alone so when i finally raised my voice at him because i’d been politely asking him to back off for 20 minutes (not least of all because he was an actual child!) he ragged my hair and pushed me over into a bunch of unsuspecting girls and they all went toppling over (lol he he wasn’t used to rejection i guess? idk); my 15 year old nephew got punched in a face by a random 19 year old lad because he asked my nephew if he sold cocaine (like WHAT he’s FIFTEEN LOL), my nephew laughed and said no, and the 19 year old got lairy bc my nephew was “taking the piss out of him” and a big fight ensued - there was no security around so it took 5ft3 me tearing this 6ft4 wasted roidhead off my nephew to get the fight to stop; i got a giant bruise on my forehead because someone launched a glass wine bottle across the crowd and of course it would hit me!! right in the forehead!! lmao; i managed to catch a gnarly sunburn that lasted for months after (even w plenty of sunscreen!) because there are barely any tented or shaded areas AT ALL, lots of people were passing out from sunstroke etc (which is common for festivals but leeds fest is particularly egregious with its poor design); my nephew got injured because he was backing away from a mosh pit that was forming in the crowd (he just wanted to hear the music and nod his head a little, he didn’t wanna go crazy or nothing) but a bunch of kids decided to push him so hard into the middle of it that they actually knocked him over and he got kicked a load of times and injured his ankle by going down on it funny (one kid actually pulled him by his shirt to throw him directly into the middle of the mosh pit, mind you we were towards the back of the crowd so we weren’t even in the middle or at the front or anything like that, so why they thought it was okay to do that is absolutely beyond me); i spent about £250 just to feed and hydrate me and my nephew for the day, but that being said i did have a few alcoholic drinks which are of course more expensive, but still! i also remember it being about £15 just to use any of the phone charging ports; there was a literal used needle in the bathroom stall i used at one point which baffled me cause like…. kids are doing heroin now? is that hip now? is that what they’re doing? the mind boggles!; a kid actually died the day we were there from an overdose, bless his poor little soul.


    all in all, the crowd that leeds fest seems to attract is usually quite awful. a lot of random fires, often they’ll set fire to tents in the camping areas at night time, lots of violence, lots of uncomfortable situations involving young kids being absolutely out of it. i don’t think that it being a young persons festival is a bad thing at all, and i don’t even think it’s inherently bad to have an obnoxious crowd at a festival like this - i just think that if you’re an adult or if situations like that can make you anxious/uncomfortable, it can be unpleasant.


    reading attracts a similar age bracket, but i believe the levels of obnoxiousness and chaos are a little lower than leeds! like i say, i don’t intend to actually slate the festival or the people that go to it - i think young people need a place where they can get to grips with substances and partying and crowd etiquette and things like that! i think that’s a good thing! but it is also my idea of hell :rip:


    but for lana…. i’m willing to do it :pray2: i’m sorry this was so long but i hope that shed a little light on it for you!! <3


    i am so glad it’s not just me being mean about leeds fest in this thread i was starting to sound  like a bitter old lady omfg

    imagine these younger people at this festival now that lana is famous on tiktok 

  2. 16 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:

    the spirit of lizzy grant lives on with her random and unprovoked wigs :true: 




    also, yeah, this interview was super boring :pft: there's so many interesting and fascinating things they could've asked her or discussed, but it's the same shit about her authenticity and how people perceived her a decade ago, ask her about her writing process, ask her about the early years of her career, ask her about her favorite songs from her albums, give us the tea! it isn't that hard :agree2:

    Aren't the topics pre-agreed before the interview? I ask because atleast thats how it works with football players, so that journalists don't ask questions with confidential, intrusive or uncomfortable answers

  3. 11 minutes ago, prettywhenimhigh said:

    just finished reading and well... should've stayed in the drafts, luv :takeitdoen: I only liked the praises from other industry legends, especially loved what joan baez said about her

    kelly was a real one too :bang: 

    at least the photoshoot is a killer and I'm obsessed. like, have mercy on us peasants, queen :defeated: 

    this one is HOT



    she really have a problem trying to write A 

  4. At least at the Lana's concert that I went to here in Brazil, not only was it allowed to bring water, but they also gave water several times to the people at the front. We tried to pass it to the people who were furthest behind us, but there were so many that it was impossible to distribute it to everyone.


    I believe that first of all, event organizers have to impose stricter and clearer rules before the crowd even enters the venue. as long as there is one mf who decides to queue two days earlier, other fans are also willing to wait in line for several hours (or even days), denying all their basic needs. 

    stricter surveillance of public bodies should be carried out in places where events will take place. How the fuck did they let a concert of this magnitude take place in this hell of a stadium? Organizers should also be required to be clearer about the show location, circulation points, paths between stages and entrance, emergency exits.

    water must be provided for free not only at kiosks, but also delivered in hand to those in the pit by employees and firefighters.

    and finally, what happened to Ana (may God rest her soul), only highlights the importance of taking responsible people with us, if we intend to do the crazyness of staying at the front of the pit

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