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Posts posted by Lanaspoisonivy

  1. 3 hours ago, Embach said:

    When she has a footballer boyfriend there too and she and Taylor are football gf besties :oprah4: and also she's in Oklahoma?



    hahahah yes! she is in Texas. That girl gets no rest. Sleep is afraid of her :thumb3:

    Missed you too!! I'm on here lurking for the most part. Been busy with work and my IG fan acc. :kiss2:

  2. 18 minutes ago, Elle said:

    The full speech was actually 5 minutes long! I recorded the whole thing from Rob’s livestream, but it’s sort of hard to hear her clearly. It’s quite echoey. I’m about to go to sleep, but I’ll give it a listen after I wake up and see how much if it I can transcribe (I work as a transcriptionist for my full-time job, so I’m used to trying to transcribe audio that can sometimes be low-quality or unclear lol) x

    there's another video on tiktok and you can hear everything loud and clear. 

  3. 1 minute ago, The Siren said:

    I wish we could get anera where we get high budget music videos like we did for BTD/Paradise :defeated:

    Label budgeting is so idiotic. They are only willing to do 2-4 minute videos because of TikTok. It's the same reason mainstream pop artists make 3 minute songs. 
    Lana is right, nowadays most people only have the attention span of like one minute.

  4. 1 minute ago, Lanasvape said:

    God I can’t believe this fandom sometimes. Like there’s personal preference, and then there’s disrespect. I just keep seeing all these posts about people who hate her new work and just keep thinking back to the lyrics (like I said before)

    “just another folk song,

    but anyway…

    i try so hard, but that’s ok

    its how the light gets in”

    These people will see this woman pour her heart out onto the table for us, and they can only say how they liked her before or they “are sick of all these piano ballads” 

    she’s being so personal and open and y’all will just chalk it up to “just another folk song”


    sorry for the ramble I get heated when it comes to this 😅

    I am totally with you and I must admit, I often get upset. That's why I just disengage when I see people being entitled or disrespectful.

  5. okay serious answer here:

    Following the TikTok boom, labels are no longer giving money or budgeting for music videos because they see YouTube and videos as a dead format that doesn't generate revenue or adequate promotion for the artist or them.. Clearly Lana is an artist that appreciates the visuals and views them as complementary to the overall narrative which is probably why she makes home videos the most- considering they probably don't even allocate budget for professional MV. My guess is that she really wants to prove them wrong and also potentially push them for MV budget allocation for the future. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Lanasvape said:

    Exactly. It all ties together. Listening to it I instantly thought of the way she’s been preforming “stand by your man” recently. 

    I've said this time and time again. With lana nothing is a coincidence, every single thing she does/says is with intention and I love that. 

    People are hating on the cover too btw and it's such a shame because her rendition is absolutely beautiful. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Lanasvape said:

    I also think it’s about Sean. And I think it’s also about his new wife. I like that Lana isn’t just insulting her and is rather complementing her, and referring to her as “a blessing” to Lana for getting her away from Sean. It’s such a beautiful song. 

    yep and I think that was also the intention with her covering stand by your man at the recent shows. I think she felt more compelled to speak to her rather than him. I think that's powerful. 

  8. 56 minutes ago, American Whore said:

    Well this is okay i guess. her vocals sound like they're recorded through airpods or something while his are crystal clear. i hate that. their vocal recordings don't match. their voices are fine and the song sounds good enough, not bad or anything, but it's just annoying hearing the difference from his vocal recording compared to hers, his are much more professional sounding and hers sounds... again, airpods-y or something.

    I was about to say... I am really bummed about that. also it feels a little distant between them at certain points. I'm thinking it might be totally intentionally to fit the themes? Maybe it will grow on me?

    I like the song overall, I appreciate the sentiment and I think it totally makes sense for this point in her life. It's also quite diaristic in a sense which makes it fit with her album. Definitely not my fav collaboration but I appreciate it for what it is.

  9. what are they asking for?

    5 minutes ago, Elle said:

    What did they try to request? Dealer? :rip:

    “Are you fucking crazy?! If I try to scream on that song…”

    We know she can sing that... I mean we have the Million dollar man performances with even more insane vocals. Come on girl

    I understand tho, if she hasn't warmed up her voice properly... not a good idea

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