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Posts posted by Lanaspoisonivy

  1. 1 minute ago, Elle said:


    STFU whenever I see this man I get such bad re-embarrassment bc I made a fool of myself in front of him earlier this year :toofunny:

    I was filming on set of a movie that he's in a few months ago and there was simulated gunfire in a scene that I was not aware of and I've been in a shooting scare before (had I known abt the gunfire, I never would've worked the project) but as soon as the gunfire sounded, I immediately went into PTSD mode and started screaming and crying violently and he was standing RIGHT next to me :rip: Later on after I calmed down, I was soooo embarrassed and asked my friends if he noticed (the scene was sort of chaotic so I was hoping he didn't) but my friends were like "yeah, he watched you being ushered away and seemed really concerned by your reaction and was asking if you were okay afterwards" :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:

    I doubt I'll ever cross paths with him again unless we end up on another set together, but I really hope that image of me absolutely losing the plot isn't something he remembers anymore x

    oh my
    first of all I am so sorry.

    He was more concerned than anything so don't even worry about it.

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