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Everything posted by xtheotherwoman

  1. Is anyone else having trouble getting the posts to load? It’s only showing the display message about being excited to share her world with us for mine
  2. Yes wait. The prices will drop closer to the date. People's plans change, local people may be selling tickets. Don't shell out hundreds for a nosebleed rn!
  3. At least it's pit!! And not the hundreds upon hundreds they're asking for lawn or nosebleeeds. Congrats<3
  4. How much did you end up having to pay!?
  5. I joined the TN thursday night queue sort of late once I was feeling hopeless with brandon and I got in shortly and there were about 15~ seat tickets all for like $450+. Last time I refreshed it like 15 minutes ago there was 1 last nosebleed selling for $555
  6. If anyone knows of any of the local ticket resell groups on facebook in Nashville/Texas/Mississippi that local people may be reselling, pleaseee guide me to them
  7. they are pretty reliable but i would wait closer to the date. They will lower their prices once they realize we don't want to pay that much for crap seats
  8. It told literally everyone "2000+" which is complete bs. Rogers was a nightmare but at least had the decency to tell us there was 60k+ ahead of us
  9. Thinking about how my mom saw Zeppelin and Pink Floyd in the 60s for like $10 bucks and feeling like a total clown as i sweat and mouthbreath over my multiple devices. Complete tomfoolery
  10. I just dont understand why there wasn't even at least a presale code or spotify fan code or whatever. It wouldn't fix the problem completely but it sure would help
  11. Literally watched it sell out before my eyes there was 4 seats and then there was none
  12. It literally spit me in and immediately said sorry something went wrong please try again this about to be my vllain origin story
  13. I initially only got in Brandon because I figured of all the locations it would have some of the least demand but sheesh !
  14. Ticketmasters way of telling me to get bent rn: "Due to high demand for today’s sale, ticket availability is extremely limited. As you continue to shop some options may be unavailable. If you are unable to find tickets today, we recommend checking back frequently as additional tickets may become available."
  15. Same does literally everyone's say 2000+ because so did my dad's for west palm
  16. https://www.reddit.com/r/lanadelrey/comments/15n0inc/last_night_in_rogers_ar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Here are some pics me and my friend got last night as well! I’m so in love with one where her tongue is out
  17. I definitely tried to get some decent videos, I even went and got my camera fixed before the concert 🤣
  18. Here are links to some of the clips I took last night if y’all wanted to see! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8LwJSJW/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8LwMFUf/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8LwMgG8/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8LwdHyJ/ If there’s anything specifically from the show you wanted to see let me know and I can check if I got a video of it
  19. I was like the next or second next person after that😭
  20. Did anyone happen to screen record Rob or anyone else’s livestream when she went down to the barricade? She signed my book but I didn’t get a decent video of our interaction😭
  21. I know someone personally that is selling an extra ticket if anyone is interested! Not sure what section though, I'd have to ask
  22. I ended up having to pay $530 for a resale pit ticket off ticketmaster 😭… but I’m local so I justify it by saving money on travel/lodging/flights!!
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