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  1. Sinner Get Ready liked a post in a topic by intrtwned in Nicole Dollanganger   
    literally omfg
  2. X8vinylScratchX liked a post in a topic by intrtwned in Nicole Dollanganger   
    literally omfg
  3. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by notthatdreamy in Melanie Martinez   
    Actually y'all are kinda mean
    I gave Portals another chance and apart from a couple of duds this shit is actually so good
    Obviously some of the lyricism is.... yeah and the visuals are a joke but the production here is fucking magical and there's so much emotion here even if the messages are sometimes far from perfectly presented
    Spider Web, The Contortionist and Leeches are pure magic, Faerie Soree makes me feel so much nostalgia and Evil, Battle of the Larynx, Nymphology and Void are FUN + not a single one of the deluxe songs missed

    Are there far better demos and scrapped songs for this era? For sure. But the finished product is not half bad either. Or maybe I'm just easier to please. Either way, I firmly believe she's still got it, she just needs refinement.
  4. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by Honeymoonwitch in Melanie Martinez   
    I just know she’s in the studio rn and is about to gag us 
  5. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by DeadSeaOfMercury in Lady Gaga   
    Madonna sorta was behind the scenes of Abracadabra!

    I love that photo so much
  6. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Lady Gaga   
    This album is 2 weeks away!
  7. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by cainforever in Ethel Cain   
    also all that irrelevant hate and cancel shit literally originated from that fucking terf site, and ive looked at it and one of those discord white silas kids literally interacted with it and decided to engage and spread all the shit theyre talking about her which is insane. anyone on there got so much hate in their hearts and are fucked up in the head with the shit they say and engaging with any of that is not healthy at all. idk how impressionable u gotta be to go from being such a fan to agreeing with a site that wants trans people to die and literally doxxed her, just because someone doesn't want their stuff leaked, but all of this is so pointless, and all this random hate and digging every corner of the internet to find any excuse to try to cancel her is just weird. 
  8. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by cainforever in Ethel Cain   
    if she does read this thread i kinda love her for that like why not tbh, like if she gave out that demo bc someone asked for it thats kinda wholesome. and seeing all the stupid posts tryna "cancel" her for the most irrelevant shit ever, ik shes dying laughing at them 
  9. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by ItsRavenHunty in Ethel Cain   
    i assume the bsides are coming sooner than expected
  10. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by robster in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Lana deserves to get her laptop stolen again cuz shes bugging, two album announcements with no new music 
  11. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by rancidgirl in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Does anybody feel like this album is going to be an album?? I’m probably wrong though but it’d be cool if it was
  12. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by Anonymcomenter in Slayyyter   
    OMG GUYS! Dangerous on HQ finally leaked 
  13. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by Anonymcomenter in Slayyyter   
    I need that Lovefool cover ASAP! 
    It siuts her voice so much 
  14. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by Lanaparadiserey in Ethel Cain   
  15. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by RIP ivory almond in Ethel Cain   
    idgaf what Ethel or Melanie drew/released when they were 19, I listen to both of them because I appreciate the art they’re releasing today
    even with the rape allegations against Melanie, I still listen to her bc her music is good and lowkey that’s all I care abt when it comes to singers im not invested in like Lana 
  16. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Ethel Cain   
    the fact this is even "discourse" is bizarre like who cares what she was doing in her bedroom and to 20 followers on an instagram account when she was young ?? like it's so dumb and it's also nothing crazy lmfao like any pedo allegations are fully being projected onto her bc it isn't giving that at all  
  17. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by dxughterofcxin in Ethel Cain   
    this. I think the drawing isn't appropriate at all, and it's important to hold artists accountable to their pasts, but we also have to use context clues and critical thinking when mentioning things in the past. when Hayden posted the art, Hayden didn't have the platform she has today, and as Dark Angel said, it's a worthless battle to fight over the fictional age of the subject. people grow, and denounce a lot of things they do in the past, and whether Hayden chooses to is up to her. if the drawing is worth not supporting her as an artist to you as an individual, then that's okay! I just think some critical thinking is needed when approaching these subjects, and I see it up to every individual to determine whether they can look past their actions to appreciate the art an individual makes. but anyways, that's my take, and I think Dark Angel put this into a constructive perspective.
  18. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by That Venice Bitch in Ethel Cain   
    i just wish this thread was normal 
  19. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Ethel Cain   
    her drawing is definitely strange, and uncomfortable to look at, but i've heard people online claim it's intended to be someone of age, despite being drawn in a chibi style, so i don't know if it's automatically fair to brand it as CP or CP-adjacent, art is often very subjective and interpretable, and can often be misunderstood as well, i personally think it looks like a young man drawn in a chibi-like style, and also, it's heavily-stylized, and honestly not very anatomically-correct, so in that case, i feel like trying to dissect and analyze whether or not it's intended to be somebody of age is just a losing game, only hayden herself could know that for sure
    i do think the drawing is very jarring, and absolutely inappropriate, at least, to share online, if it is depicting somebody underage, especially since the caption is pretty cheeky about it, and not taking it and what it depicts very seriously, i'm not one to dictate art, but i do believe it's highly inappropriate for someone to make depictions of children sexually/violently (assuming it is intended to be a child), we can't know for sure what exactly inspired her to draw something like that, but it should be very obvious by now that her work touches on many heavy subjects, of which have been relevant to her life, such as religion, sexuality, trauma, ETC. so perhaps there's more reasoning behind such a drawing, regardless, it likely wasn't appropriate for her to share publicly
    at the end of the day... there's nothing we can do to change what artists have done in the past, we just have to decide whether or not we can look past certain things, and choose to continue to engage with someone's work, or not, not too long ago people here were criticizing her for being pro-life 12 years ago when she was like, 14 (which was RIDICULOUS lol people were just grasping at straws trying to find reasons to hate on her) or for some stupid edgy legalize incest shirt, and it's especially silly to me seeing people here fight about it while simultaneously being fans of artists who have done similarly questionable or worse things, including LDR! some would argue it was really weird for her to use footage from a kiddie pageant documentary in her homemade music videos, something i actually personally feel a bit uncomfortable with, but it's not enough for me to stop supporting her, are we brigading the melanie martinez thread talking about her sexual assault allegations? no, or, at least, i haven't, i can't recall that ever happening in recent times
    it just seems like fighting over artists and what problematic things they have done just doesn't go anywhere, especially doing it in the artist's designated thread which will be populated by fans, we're all aware of hayden's actions, artistic choices, ETC. we aren't oblivious to it, we still choose to listen to her music anyway, just like with any other fans of artist who have done strange/questionable/bad things
  20. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by Disx in Ethel Cain   
    you can't tell him he's reaching (not that i fully disagree) while claiming she was drawing nsfw art of a child when that's your nasty interpretation lol. it's clearly art of an original character, not a child in any form with a slightly edgy caption that was posted -eight- years ago
    this is like the 3rd mess brought up in a month and at this point it's just confusing. none of you like her or wanna hear an explanation that stops you from finding her problematic so why continue to discuss her instead of not coming to her thread? 
  21. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by Demonmic03 in Ethel Cain   
    This!. If you don't like her then why come to the thread
  22. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by dxughterofcxin in Ethel Cain   
    exactly... like let's look at the crybaby coloring book compared to punish. one is a near fetishization of kids, while one is an interpretation of a case, with actual storytelling. Hayden has had her moments, and nobody is denying that. but this nitpicking and "cancellations" oftentimes seem like either misinterpretations of work or a lack of critical thinking and use of context clues. we can acknowledge that someone created something out of touch or insensitive, but you have to be willing to do that for everyone, not just certain people. otherwise, you don't really care about the topic and the portrayal of uncomfortable topics. we can also recognize that Hayden was a lot younger, while some things that Melanie has done in recent years has been while she's a grown woman. nobody can critique someone's footprint while defending another individual's content, or else you don't truly get offended by it. 
  23. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by Demonmic03 in Ethel Cain   
    Yet you'll stream Melanie whose alot worse then Ethel about literal child stuff...

    Look I'm not trying to hate on you or be rude but that's a little hypocritical.
  24. intrtwned liked a post in a topic by lakeemmahottie in Ethel Cain   
    i'll never understand the mentality of gatekeeping by sabotaging someone you claim to stan. the vaporwave community does this alot its so fucking corny
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