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Everything posted by ultr4violense

  1. maybe the new one my boy only breaks his favourite toys. I know it’s a stretch but who knows
  2. let the light in hopefully I think it’s most likely
  3. ultr4violense

    Taylor Swift

    TSMWEL is more of a favourite then broken heart
  4. ultr4violense

    Taylor Swift

    IM SORRY does broken heart change because…. No…
  5. ultr4violense

    Taylor Swift

    Love of my life is good
  6. ultr4violense

    Taylor Swift

    loml is literally folklore had to skip the one before it tho
  7. ultr4violense

    Taylor Swift

    Oh iconic WAOLOM omg U SHOULD BEEEEE!!!!!!!
  8. ultr4violense

    Taylor Swift

    I like who’s afriad of little old me it’s top 2 so far nvm its n1
  9. ultr4violense

    Taylor Swift

    the last three songs sounded like other songs shes made. They aren’t bad I like Florida im talking about Florida and guilty as sin
  10. ultr4violense

    Taylor Swift

    Her saying Patti smith…
  11. ultr4violense

    Taylor Swift

    Fresh out of has a weird bridge
  12. ultr4violense

    Taylor Swift

    What ones do we think r going to be hits
  13. ultr4violense

    Taylor Swift

    Got love struck went straight to my head not folklore I mean slut
  14. ultr4violense

    Taylor Swift

    Bdilh sounds like that one song
  15. ultr4violense

    Taylor Swift

    So long London is good tho so far down bad was meh it didn’t really make sense
  16. ultr4violense

    Taylor Swift

    The songs sound like I’ve heard them before like same kinda rhythm as like her other ones
  17. ultr4violense

    Taylor Swift

    I’m not a Taylor swift fan but the two hand thing is soooo two albums and the count down is for reputation or something else
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