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Ice Cream Ice Queen

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Posts posted by Ice Cream Ice Queen

  1. 51 minutes ago, baddisease said:

    Do you think there are enough of us to make a difference? Because from how I see it, there are not.

    In the short-term, no, however, I believe that no vote is wasted. If you actually want to see a third-party come to the forefront and actually be formidable in an election, you have to start the process by voting for that party. Over time - over many election cycles - this will grow in its influence and American people will become more aware of the opportunity to vote for a third party. There is a sacrifice that’s made on the hill of your belief towards a three party system. People don’t vote third-party because it’s not a valid option, but you have to make it a valid option and that takes time. Gradual process and change over time is what needs to happen. You can’t  transform a country overnight, you have to work towards it.


    Don't get me wrong, I completely understand the strategy in avoiding voting for a third-party, but if we truly want to change the system we have to invest in gradual change.

  2. I can’t pick only one so instead here’s my top 8 in no particular order :silly:



    I want to be the whole world's girl, Gramma

    Tell me do you think that's wrong?

    ”Dont cry, honey, crazy girl

    Don’t you know you are the world?

    Every time you feel unsure 

    Try rememberin’ what you are”


    In the name of higher consciousness
    I let the best man I knew go
    Cause it's nice to love and be loved
    But it's better to know all you can know
    I said it's nice to love and be loved
    But I'd rather know what God knows

    Dope, shoot it up, straight to the heart, please

    I don't really wanna know what's good for me

    God's dead, I said, "Baby, that's alright with me"


    Oh, what can I do?

    Life is beautiful, but you don't have a clue

    Sun and ocean blue

    Their magnificence, it don't make sense to you


    I'm flyin' to the moon again, dreamin' about heroin

    How it gave you everything and took your life away

    I put you on an aeroplane, destined for a foreign land

    I hoped that you'd come back again

    And tell me everything's okay


    They mistook my kindness for weakness

    I fucked up, I know that, but Jesus

    Can't a girl just do the best she can?


    If he's a serial killer, then what's the worst

    That could happen to a girl who's already hurt?

    I'm already hurt

    If he's as bad as they say, then I guess I'm cursed

    Looking into his eyes, I think he's already hurt

    He's already hurt


    Think by the third of March, I was cracked open

    Finally the ground was cold, they wouldn't open

    Brought by the sunlight of the spirit to pour into me

    There's a name for it in Japanese, it's kintsugi

  3. 9 minutes ago, Candy Necklace said:

    while i agree that there should’ve been a formal primary, there is no time for a primary. each state holds their own primary and It’s already July. the official nominee has to be finalized like next week. 

    the best thing is for the party to be united, do you know how bad it would be if the democrats fell into chaos and in-fighting a month before the DNC?

    Yeah, there isn’t time unfortunately. But an online primary or something would be better than none at all. Then again, I don’t know if I would really trust an online primary.


    But I have to say it’s hard for me to believe that Biden dropping out of the race at this time wasn’t somewhat planned. I mean, did him or his team really expect him to stay or, if he was re-elected, be able to carry out his full term? To me, this seems like a premeditated attempt to put Kamala on the ballot this November. 

    Democrats overall do seem to be uniting for Kamala, which will be good for the party in the short-term, but as I said, this is concerning to me as far as our democracy goes and nobody seems to be questioning it.

  4. On 7/24/2024 at 8:16 AM, sparklertrailerheaven said:

    not to hype any of you because i don’t have any further information as of now BUT there is an item drop scheduled for 07/30 (“soft launch” most likely pre-order) and finally dropping on 09/08.

    not sure if it’s just another random merch drop, a drop dedicated to the successful “tough” to boost it’s sales, or for the new era…


    once I know more, I will let you know


  5. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but it really bothers me that Kamala is so quickly being ushered in to be the nominee for this election. The Democratic Party needs to hold another primary ASAP. Just because Joe dropped out, doesn’t mean Kamala can just walk in and replace him as a candidate. The American people have the right to elect a new candidate, and if they aren’t given that right, our democracy is in question. 

    I know Kamala isn’t officially the new presidential candidate or anything as of this moment, but I have a feeling there are plans for that behind closed doors. Hopefully I’m wrong though and democratic voters will have a voice in this.

  6. 10 minutes ago, ComebacktoCalifornia said:

    Love, Lust for life, radio, Dark Paradise,Lolita, Lucky ones, national anthem, summertime sadness, tiwmug, diet mountain dew and BAR are all perfect examples of this

    I will never get over the Lust For Life demo not being the final version :defeated:

  7. On 7/25/2024 at 11:01 PM, Eugene said:

    I love it when Lana closes an album with a cover that fits the concept of the album... I feel like they are actually an outro after the closing song.


    Final Song  → Outro

    Old Money → The Other Woman

    Swan Song → Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood

    Dance Till We Die → For Free

    I couldn’t agree more :true: She does a wonderful job at selecting songs that tie the album together as a whole. It’s also like a peek into her psyche hearing her perform songs that are obviously very meaningful to her.

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