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Everything posted by yourlocalhobo

  1. Still didn’t get a Mail :/ I won’t be home for the next few days I hoped it would come tomorrow. Welp im apparently cursed when it comes to preorders, i preordered marinas froot album back than from her official website and got it a week after release. It was already everywhere in store. 💀
  2. That countdown at the end gave me a mini heart attack 😭🙏
  3. Idk about the new insider, especially the part with „her stance in the Middle East war“ seems very randomly thrown in, especially since she never officially had a stance and people interpret things into everything. She never got more backlash than any other artist, people just grab to that letter (which is even unclear if it’s signed by her or her team) when they try to have a „valid“ reason to not like/hate her.
  4. This so much! Also: I’m the last person to complain about her set list, but it absolutely wasn’t fit for festivals like Coachella. There were too many „random“ festival goers, of course the crowd was dead af when it’s mostly people who maybe heard her on her radio or know some tiktok sounds. People where complaining so much about her set afterwards it hurt a bit to read. She would be much more appreciated when it’s just her own thing and only people who really like her music and would come.
  5. i really hope her and her team will be planning arena (or even stadium)concerts for her next tour. There were so many issues throughout these concert wherever it were things she couldn’t control (weather, mic issues) or her coming late. Those tight time slots/ curfew times aren’t really for her. Her team and she herself either need to pull themselves together and really work on the organization for everything or just scrap festival tours. I do really really love her, but comparing to other artists there were just too many issues this year and considering people spend so much money, come from other countries and even wait hours in line to get a spot where they can barely see her it‘s just not fair to the fans to get half of the set list cut. Yes you can’t control the weather, but you can plan other things. I don’t know how strict arenas are tbh, but at least it wouldn’t clash with other artists, if she was coming too late and many fans would be able to at least sit while they’re waiting. Also it would give more people the opportunity to see her and her whole set better. I was very lucky with Milan because it was a single show, but really my only complaint is that it felt more like a Public viewing experience than an actual concert. I saw more of a Taylor Swift and her stage in a stadium watching from nosebleed seats almost behind the back of the stage than a Lana, because these festival areas are just simply huge and flat. Adding to this: many people say Lana should have her own kinda Eras tour, which is understandable she’s a huge artist with a lot of discography, but realistically it wouldn’t be possible since something big like this would need her to be more reliable and a better organization. I hope this doesn’t sound too negative or as if I’m shitting on her, not at all, I’m really thankful I was able to see her. I just hope her and her team consider a better option for concerts for everyone and maybe consider more places to come to especially since Europe for example isn’t only made out of the western countries.
  6. https://x.com/lanianas/status/1827797469201330192/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1827797469201330192&currentTweetUser=lanianas she did the outfit change !!
  7. Crazy how fast those jokes become a rumor, someone already asking on Twitter about it lmao
  8. https://x.com/Lanaphoria/status/1827794549827043421 summertime sadness!!
  9. Leeds feels like the forgotten little sister being shadowed by her golden Boy brother Reading. 😔💔
  10. Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have … I’m about to lose it
  11. Someone posted a pic from pretty when you cry already? I wonder if that was the opener
  12. Imagine she’s still pissed about yesterday and won’t even come on stage. Then the fireworks go off lmao.
  13. I just saw a tweet with “she’s starting any minute now” so she might be late again? Idk
  14. Oh boy you was busy going to another concert I’ll have to catch up. I guess she was late haha?
  15. I can’t even follow the live streams I’m seeing tv girl tomorrow and need to finish a very important presentation on Sunday 😔
  17. I need to say I love the „he‘s born in March“ change since my boyfriend (a Turkish guy lol) is born in March and me in June. also I just need to drop this here since I believe it happened because I watched those streams before sleep: i had a dream where was at a Lana concert and it was literally a sea of people and everyone pushed Ricardo from the barricade to the back. 😭
  18. I’m crying. Thank you for updating us. 🫶 I love how a community can move things.
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