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Everything posted by Sostrene

  1. Now I'm curious who you are :-) A message to myself: don't sing along while you're filming. I made a video of Lana coming so close but it was completely ruined by my own singing :-(
  2. From the Netherlands I traveled to Porto with my 15 year old son because my son is such a big Lana fan. He wanted a good spot so we were already waiting at 0700 in the morning. A very nice boy wrote VIP numbers on your hand (which later turned out to be of no use). The wait in the bright sun was hot hot hot, but what I remember most were meeting so many nice, friendly people from all over Europe. that made the time pass a little faster. Unfortunately, I thought the organization was very poor. It's a wonder there were no injuries. When the 'doors' opened people went crazy. some fell over fences or were pushed over. I thought that was really scary. In the end we were able to get a good spot and when it was clear that the storm would pass us by, we could really enjoy it. Lana was great. She is in my heart and I hope to see her more often!
  3. I am so worried. Due to severe thunderstorms warming the chance is so big they re gonna cancel Lana's performance
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