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Sunbather Moonchaser

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Everything posted by Sunbather Moonchaser

  1. It feels weird thinking that we can get either a new overpriced t-shirt or Ldr10 announcement today
  2. What source code? And what is hidden there? The Lana lore gets even more interesting
  3. So if something is happening, it better happen in the next 6 hours
  4. Soo... Is she just friends with Donoghue or something more... I thought that she's with Quavo nowadays because of the Tough music video because they seemed kinda close but idc, Donoghue is daddy and I'd want him too
  5. At this point I think that they were just trying to cause some drama
  6. Confession: I took this day off work just in case we'd get something but nothing's happening
  7. There's nothing like the drama on a release day @hotshot2am do you happen to see or know anything new about anything?
  8. Why are you giving up on hope? We're getting something today
  9. I need to go offline for about an hour and if something gets announced while i'm away...
  10. That actually sounds so interesting And the fact that they took it off fast, didn't you say it was up for like 5 mins Something IS happening today
  11. What did you see in there, was there like a text or something
  12. Don't give up on hope, I mean, we ARE getting atleast something
  13. There's a soft launch on her site, and we'll know what is is today
  14. Soon we'll get whatever the soft launch is...
  15. Oh now I get it sorry I didn't mean to come across as a bitch
  16. Then I will buy a lasso and tie it around my neck.
  17. Yeah but why would it be in her store and why would it ship in 8/9 or 9/8??
  18. Y'all aren't paying enough attention to the facts that she usually drops album every 1.5 years and in september it's 1.5 years from ob & whenever she hasn't posted in a long time she's always preparing something Cry kill die reference???
  19. We're not delulu we just know that we're getting pre-order + lead single
  20. I love every song of hers but I loved your confession but the like button never works so I had to write a comment instead of liking it
  21. In the next 60 minutes we'll become wiser but remember that this could be the last 60 minutes without the announcement of Ldr10
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