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Posts posted by Cleopatra

  1. Was wtfing for a minute but loved the part when they all dance together. That thing she does (you guys know what I'm talking about?) was cute. Now hold that pose for me! S'catchy.

  2. Y'all I'm finally beginning to appreciate "Numbers"!!! THAT BRIDGE + FINAL CHORUS  :sluttybunny:

    oh....MY GAWD :mj3:


    wait this was about a month ago but im so happy for you

  3. Azealia lmao i love her, she's so honest, but yeah i dont think adele + her would work very well. Adele has a really big voice and azealia's is too deep in general, thats just my opinion and hers. But M.I.A. would be great for her. And Lana. 

    almost related but i keep having this vision of azealia performing gimme a chance live with lana singing enons parts and the spanish singing parts 

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