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Posts posted by Cleopatra

  1. Finished Book 2 of the Dexter series.

    Reading Cloud Atlas & Re-reading The Girl Who Played With Fire.

    About to start on "In the Garden of Beasts". 


    Has anyone read The Night Circus? 

  2. "I-I wear your sparkle..."


    Every minute of the L'Album De La Semaine performance of Million Dollar Man. It's so beautiful and when you see the light reflecting from her eyes, she looks so sad and it just breaks your heart. Also love her theatrics and her messy hair is a bonus.

    1. If your life was a TV show, this would be the theme song: Pawn Shop Blues

    Will you ever get to heaven?: Ride

    Song you dance to at your wedding: Hollywood's Dead

    This song contains the name of your first-born: Video Games

    Song played at your funeral: Go Go Dancer -- omfggg yes  :thankyou:

    What do you want right now?: Summertime Sadness

    Song that describes your sex life: Gramma

    How will you die?: Serial Killer

    Your life motto: Blue Jeans

    What do you look for in a girl/guy?: Lolita

    Song that plays in your head when you see someone attractive: Queen Of The Gas Station 

    What people think of you: Trash :awk:

    Where will you live?: Mermaid Motel 

    What is your vice?: American

    What is the most important thing in your life? Video Games

    Who do you look up to?: Live or Die

  3. I  don't get why she didn't put it either. :flutter: I love I Found a Boy too. Also Black&Gold, He wont go (one of my favorite's ) and My Same I think are so overrated. I loved that she sang My Same to her BFF on the RAH concert. Such a cute and nice way to pay homage to a friendship.



    When I used to fully stan her, I would pretend that she was singing My Same to me since her bff has the same name as me.  :P


    Her covers are great, especially Etta James's Fool That I Am 

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