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Posts posted by Cleopatra

  1. same sex marriage in maryland!!! :)


    obama has florida (and of course california) so he pretty much has it. there is no realistic way romney could get it


    It's looking like Maine is for same sex too! . Minnesota is -______- for now....... Washington is awaiting.


    And James Carville sexy ass needs more camera time.

  2. i too hate that brody denies his love for her - verbally, because his eyes and that little hand squeeze in the car speak volumes ^_^


    I was like......




    and then....



  3. LOL Just the troll in me ships them.


    i think this gif is so carrie-appropriate:


    :oprah: SO perfect. Do I have permission to tweet this gif tonight?


    ref. carrie's cry face...did you see this??

    OMG YES SHE NEEDS TO STOP CRYING EVERY EPISODE. She's becoming the Kris Jenner from Keeping Up With The Kardashians

  4. So impressed with them! They should all the awards. I can't believe we are approaching the middle of the season. At this point, everything is in the air. How cruel.

    Also guys.......I sorta ship Carrie and Abu Nazir test.gif

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