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Posts posted by Yosemite

  1. 2 minutes ago, Psychedelic Pussy said:

    Lana confirms pregnancy in this interview and/or on candy necklace. :oprah3: that’s what I think

    Candy Necklace was done around late summer, she'd be almost 7 months, and that's impossible. If that were the case she'd have to be showing and she's not.

    So it's almost impossible that she confirms a pregnancy on CN. However, I'd love if she was pregnant, you can clearly see she really wants it :xcry:


  2. 7 minutes ago, Sportscruiser said:


    I’m actually excited for the track. I just think it’s perfectly understandable if some people don’t vibe with it and if religious content is something that triggers them, then that’s perfectly valid  :candy: idk about anyone else but I never said Lana shouldn’t do this or that or that people should question her decision to include a sermon in her album - I don’t understand where these combative answers are coming from lol.

    No one's saying you did, it wasn't a direct reply to you or else I'd have quoted you. 

    I'm just saying art might make you feel uncomfortable & I can't see why someone would get triggered from that interlude specifically — but that might have to do with me not having any trauma associated with religion. Take the allegedly raped line from A&W, for example. I definitely CAN see people getting triggered from that, but with the interlude I can't. If the preacher wasn't credited most of us would think he was just some man making a speech

  3. 5 minutes ago, Morningcrow said:


    No hints about it being tomorrow, but this is the quote (there's screenshots in the thread somewhere)...

    "Let's go back to Earth a bit, there is no surprise second album, or any new music project coming already
    But for once, they are doing something right, for the fans
    It will be revealed next week. Actually skimming through this thread I don't think anyone guessed it right? Guess I was right"

    Oh! I just remembered reading that, yup!

    Thanks :smile2:

  4. The problem with religion is not religion itself but the people in power/behind it. The Bible should never be interpreted literally, and most of the time it isn't — and the only time preachers and priests do it, it's based on what they think it's right or wrong/what's cultural and socially accepted. It's only for you to learn something, not blatant and literally follow its texts and scriptures.

    Can art be challenging? Yes, and it might make you feel uncomfortable. Art is not meant to make you feel good. If it does, then that's great, but you should not hold it against the artist if it doesn't. Ultimately, it's the artist's choice to make what they want of their art. 

    I mean, it's just a preacher's sermon, and Lana's laughing and talking while he's at it. Also, you can interpret it in infinite ways: Lana's lowkey mocking him/Lana's not even paying attention/Lana's liking it so much/Lana's just casually recording, etc. Like, it's not that serious. To some extent, I can't get why some people might be uncomfortable, but imo the interlude itself doesn't have any shock value. It's just something she wanted to put on the record and might not even have any other deep meaning (like, for example, putting The Trio on BB).

  5. 12 minutes ago, tulsa jesus freaks said:

    hey guys just here to remind you not to bully Boz if the surprise doesn't get announced today (it's tuesday here:slayty:), he said this week he didn't say the day, and yes even tho it's still likely that it could be tomorrow it's not confirmed

    Did he really say it’d be announced this week? I remember checking his posts on ATRL and I never saw anything of him saying when it would be announced. I might’ve missed it tho 

  6. 9 minutes ago, Olympia said:


    As far as I could see the prices in her EU stores are pretty much the same regarding records (unless they reduce them), so I guess (I don't know) it will be 39,99 everywhere, as in the Italian store. 

    But would be great if someone who saw the Spanish item page could confirm this (or not). 

    The pic disc is up for preorder on any other EU store besides her Italian store?

  7. 4 minutes ago, Get Drunk said:

    It’s a different show. The show is Future Sounds, they just announce the Hottest Record. 

    In the past, the show revolved around the hottest record so they’d play Lana songs leading up to it, then play it, do an interview, play it again, maybe continue the interview, then play it again at the end of the show. 

    I think some of y’all will be disappointed when you realise it’s just them playing the song once and a few minutes chat with Lana :deadbanana:


    also if you look at past shows, the song they announce as the hottest record always plays first. 

    Yeah, that's definitely what I remember!

    Also, yeah, if people are expecting more than that they will be disappointed bc that's basically what's gonna happen lmao 

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