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Everything posted by analwinterofmylife

  1. this ^ coming from an asshole with a tropico pic.... and a superiority complex like none other?
  2. why u feel the want to harass the reddit guy when u already harass a bunch of people here?
  3. well.. didn't some guy get told they had the record in the store.. and when he got there the guy at the counter said "not till the 18th" I feel like its the same thing but.. idk
  4. idk if the stores are really giving it out yet.. more like just putting it up for preorder?
  5. god.. you're such a fucking asshole I'm ashamed to share this fandom with you.. and lana would be ashamed to have u as a fan.
  6. No wonder he got the album. He's a fuckin sleuth. A regular Sherlock Holmes.
  7. ...attacking.... attacking? ok... that seems like a strong word for me simply complaining about something i found annoying.. but ok
  8. rip to the people offering money for a low to mid quality vinyl rip of an album they already have mid quality versions of and have preordered three different ways and only have about 4 days to wait for... I've never seen any more desperately pressed people in my life...
  9. i mean i don't think that saying "it happens for every album" justifies it..lol like sure its probably bound to happen..and does happen all the time.. but its just like..were gonna hear it soon anyways why does it have to be leaked? its one thing if its a song we probably never would have heard... but snatching it from a store.. when u just have to wait a few more days... thats just desperate and kinda childish lol
  10. imagine if u worked really hard on a product to sell, and then someone just started giving it out for free... how would you feel?
  11. ya'll are pressed about the singles.. but i would have been disappointed if the rest of the record fell short compared to singles.... like to wait for a record to come out just to find out that its all not /as/ good as the singles... would be sad. i think she chose some strong songs, that really gave us a good idea of how the record is gonna sound, without giving it all away!
  12. so is this 3 pm at each store int heir time zone or 3pm in one time zone? or?
  13. i thought she said art deco was faster tempo in her grazia interview
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