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Posts posted by analwinterofmylife

  1. I really think this are the most unbiased people when it comes to Islam. And Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Bill Warner etc. the list is long. They all know what they are talking about. I'm always on the side of facts instead of slogans.


    Maybe you don't like the ironic writing on thereligionofpeace.com but you can't argue the numbers. I posted it to show that there is much more than we know about.


    What would you consider a credible source when it comes to Islam? An Imam? I know there was an Imam killed because he condemned suicide attacks, they do exist too, I know that, but in a religion where you have four different exceptions for lying, I really don't know who I can trust. That's why I turn to David Wood when I want to know something about Islam. He's a Christian but he knows everything about the Quran, the Sunna and the Hadiths. And I don't trust politicians.


    Taqiyya - Saying something that isn't true as it relates to the Muslim identity.


    Kitman - Lying by omission. An example would be when Muslim apologists quote only a fragment of verse 5:32 (that if anyone kills "it shall be as if he had killed all mankind") while neglecting to mention that the rest of the verse (and the next) mandate murder in undefined cases of "corruption" and "mischief." 


    Tawriya - Intentionally creating a false impression.


    Muruna - 'Blending in' by setting aside some practices of Islam or Sharia in order to advance others.


    LOL those people aren't unbiased.. they tell you what you want to hear. They have their own NeoConservative political agenda to push..You feel that their opinions are accurate to how you view the world so you assume its unbiased.. 

    about the honesty of ben shapiro http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2014/nov/05/ben-shapiro/shapiro-says-majority-muslims-are-radicals/


    Also why believe bill warner? he isn't even schooled in political science, history, or religion? he says a lot of baseless things on his site, he has no credentials, he doesn't even know arabic and hasn't studied islam in depth.. he just goes off about conspiracy theories LOL

    Also the numbers on religion of peace aren't accurate.  for example they list a series of cops who die due to taliban ambushes... okay well those "cops" are actually very basically trained coked out young people, who shoot at every moving object from their outpost. Watching untrained afghani cops fight the taliban is like watching ab bunch of adults play capture the flag with real guns. Even if the cops are a bit better trained, This isn't jihadist killing..lol this is more geopolitical. Other deaths cited include executions that are allowed under islamic laws... these aren't jihadist attack tho? many of these aren't like jihadist attacks at all.. just a desperate grab to paint muslims as truly horribly violent people.. I'm sure if you saw a list of all the crimes that american people do, you would also be shocked. Not to say that american laws sanction such blatantly horrible stuff (like execution for adultery) but Plenty of americans kill people lol.


    furthermore, try selecting a few of those events on the list, and finding any articles or notes of them online.. you'll only be lead to other anti-islamic sites. I see no real evidence that "Children are among fifteen civilians picked apart by Islamic State shrapnel." this event even happened. Just because its posted on this site doesn't mean its true or as reported. 


    that being said, a few of these instances are true, and it is sad to me that such turmoil is going on.. but it is much more than only their religion compeling them to do this, there is peer pressure, desperation in resources, different moral standards... if a group of people view themselves to be at war, then almost anything is deemed okay.. unless they have manage to develop war laws and war crimes through UN conventions lol.. obviously the people who do this stuff probably have no idea about those,


    http://www.pewforum.org/files/2013/04/worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-full-report.pdf here is a research study done you might find interesting. 


    You desperately need to look into the credibility of your sources, you need to understand how biased people can be, that there are LOTS of fake articles concerning this stuff online, not everyone who speaks on islam is an expert, half the people ur mentioning seem to have no real formal education in the matters at hand.. they just have opinions which to me seem totally inaccurate.. you need some critical thinking classes i don't mean to be rude but its super super important that what we can tell what is and is not accurate and true when we read about this stuff. 

  2. You really should watch the videos I posted in this thread.


    lol.. like can u post some videos with like.. credible and non biased sources... aka ones that aren't from christians or neo conservatives 

    sorry but the stuff you're posting i don't find to be that accurate, or reliable. Obviously these type of people have an over the top view on islam, and the site "religion of peace" or whatever ... is the phoniest site I've ever even been on LMAO ...

    i have a close friend who lives in saudi arabia, I'm aware of the oppression and the horrible things that people have done in the name of islam.. as i said.. i understand that people use the religion to justify and do such things.. i just don't see how those who live peacefully under islam should be treated differently from those who live peacefully under any other religion? 


    in all honesty i think all religions have their faults and the world would be better off moving away from religion completely especially those used to sanction violence.. whatever they may be


    in any case.. i can see that you deeply care for saving people's lives, and it seems to me that you really hope for people to be safe from harm, as do i! i take terrorism and religiously inspired delusions and violent actions seriously! i just don't want anyone who lives peacefully (no matter what category of person they may fall under) to be safe .. and honestly there are many many more urgent concerns than terrorism facing most people. 

    ugh, how naive I was to think a thread focusing on terrorists and people dying wouldn't turn into a political dissusion.



    TBH considering that terrorism is practically connected to political, ideological and philosophical(etc) discussion... 

  3. Full length discussion where the audience gets polled.



    I was toying with the idea of posting every Jihad attack on this site but decided it would be too tedious. Luckily there is this site




    I don't quite remember who did it, I think it was a British newspaper, they made an investigation for one month and they found even more. So the number of Jihadi attacks (30,891) since 9/11 might be a little too low.


    If someone needs help with his Western guilt fixation, scroll down on the site, on the left there's a column called“Put the Numbers in Perspective“.


    any religion can be twisted into being totally toxic

    i do think there is a specific reason as to why ""jihadism" is a thing.. its not solely due to their religion lol ..anyone who understands the intricate nature of societies and such can realize that numerous socioeconomic, political, and psychological factors play into this stuff.


    anyway are you complaining that the majority of muslims have a peaceful mindset/interpretation of their faith? 


    honestly christians could so easily have a violent interpretation of their faith too.. i grew up in church there are so many instances of God okaying horrible things, saying that we ought to stone people, killing entire cities, condemning whole groups of people to death.. but due to many socioeconomic, political, and psychological factors.. the barbaric nature of the christian faith has been phased out.. 


    that being said, looking at thousand year old history in my opinion is sort of pointless.. i think its more important to realize what is going on now in based on the world as it is, in context to what has happened in the past. 


    but obviously religions are fucking designed to spread and entrap people and cause them to take their religious ideology to the extreme! 

    christianity has taken literal extremes to a more philosophical meaning, as its been refined heavily by western philosophy and scholars over such long periods of time.. the islamic faith has also been taken toward a much more philosophical trend too, especially in the west. 


    christianity is now used to convince and ensnare people into its beliefs and moral standards,. its designed to keep people in it by forcing them to choose between a life of devotion to god, or going to hell for all eternity. its designed to be spread, as so much of the faith is based on spreading the gospel..  its reasonably acceptable and in contemporary interpretation and practice doesn't require anything too wild(even though if you were to take it more literally opposed to philosophically it easily would be more extreme).. this wasnt always the case tho


    anyway obviously u just want so badly to hate islamic extremism..okay yeah their doctrines are flawed and are inspiration for their deeds, but don't you think that more than just that doctrine play into this?

    honestly its silly if you believe that only that ancient text/religion is responsible.. there are so many other factors at play.. but honestly, despite what any doctrine says, people will do what they please.. whether it is evil or considered good. 

    even christianity acknowledges this, as it says that we are all sinners and we continue to sin

    despite what the bible says about sin.. people still make their own choices. 

    there are also lots of verses that people could follow yet choose not to. 

    any person can choose to, or not to act on a certain doctrine. 


    its not about guilt fixation and votes its about being reasonable according to facts as they are today lol 

    any reasonable person should be able to realize that, yes islamic texts can be used to sanction killing..(despite other parts of the text that may rule contrary, and despite the contemporary interpretations of islam).. but most, as a matter of fact the larger majority are pretty surprisingly pedestrian people.. lol 

  4. Ah, didn't realize they were done so far in advance in comparison to Lana's. Maybe it will actually come out soon then. I still wouldn't be surprised if she has them wait though  :crai:


    Idk about editing it, maybe she just wants to wait until like Monday or something for whatever news is in there. I doubt she would have said something she wasn't prepared for people to hear at all.


    till monday?  :wtfney: i can't wait that long for an interview where shes just doin to say nothing substantial  :air:

  5. don't bookmark me.. but i swear i hear "and all of my beaches.." and " all my black beaches are ruined"  and then the line "its like smiling when the firing squads against ya" firing squad.. aka papz .. gives of 13 beaches teas.. sounds like her beaches are ruined bc papz..  


    could totally b wrong about this its super hard to hear.. and i don't think this song is 13 beaches.. but maybe she wrote two songs following the same idea.. one is more about beaches.. and this one is about falling in love, letting yourself be raw and open with someone and having all those moments photographed .. at beaches that u feel u can't go to now bc bad memories? idk .. 

    but maybe she's saying peaches.. 

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