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Posts posted by analwinterofmylife




    What a great award to kick off the 2016(?) Lipsters Awards! Next up is the Best Username Award. An award that should be given to none other than the people that always make us laugh using nothing but their witty username.
    Previous winner to this category was the iconic user @@analwinterofmylife, however, this year's winner is even more iconic.
    Deciding this year's winner must have been very tough since there were so many memorable names to choose from!
    But this year’s winner is someone that is a great leader, she’s hard worker, kind, has a great heart, she’s smart and a great… communicator - say “hello” to the winner of the Best username category



    @Melania Trump






  2. @@analwinterofmylife


    there are only two sides


    I am on the side of President Obama President JFK President LBJ President Carter President Lincoln voting for people over land acreage

    the path in 2016 to continue being on that side, was voting for President Clinton


    then there is the other side, anyone not on side one is on side two


    there is no 3rd way


    A or B 

    1 or 2

    Democratic or Republican

    other countries have different systems

    USA has A or B.

    Spock Brain Science vs. Kirk bullying bravado guns

    The path for the Democratic party is through the south in 2020 and forever more once Texas is blue.


    People not acreage


    those who did not vote, did not vote for Hillary are indeed happy with what they got. Simple logic Spock style


    this whole thing is like.. one giant logical fallacy so... 


    anyways when ur done jacking off to the democratic establishment and licking the cum off of hillary clintons feet, let me know.. until then  i guess just continue to be pointlessly angry at bernie, and baselessly blame him for everything.. (which at this point is irrelevant anyway) 


    meanwhile im gonna talk about RELEVANT THINGS lmfao 

  3. @  it is called Spock Logic. Connect the dots.

    Bernie cashed in, he has a best seller, and he got Republicans to buy his book because they hate Hillary so much.

    and Bernie was just the afterbirth as he only ran because a different woman didn't run, Senator Warren. Had she run, he would not have.

    but anyhoo-

    however, the state of the Democratic party is strong, stronger than the Republican party and the agenda of President Obama will move forward and the path

    towards redemption is through the south.

    The great people of America voted for Hillary.




    half the stuff u say must be alternative facts

  4. see @trayertrash post 1168


    those tweets say it all. and read all of them


    Those that backed Trump are the cause of all that is coming down.

    Any cause someone like Bernie LIED when he said he cared about, is lost to the 2017 Republican party, all of them


    one doesn't have to be a fan of Hillary's to want to stop Trump and more important, the Ryan's and McConnell's from destroying every single cause

    there is from climate control, from woman's rights (all of them, and the right to privacy and choice) to voting rights, to everything


    Even those that hate Hillary should have cared about the world, guess they are in synch with the man loving women hating Ryan and Pence(who calls his

    wife Mother and asks her to describe the china), insynch with Barbara Bush during Katrina who said the blacks taken at gunpoint to a land far far away

    should thank her and be happy.


    Because cause has effect.


    So argue that you might not have said specifically the above, but actions are causing all this to happen, the complete eradication of everything

    LBJ signed in in 1964-5- and every good thing FDR did (one should actually read up on FDR, he was not the perfect person nor was JFK


    Guess hate Hillary is the match that burns everything else down and is scissors that cuts up the Civil rights and voting rights act.


    so go on hating Hillary.


    meanwhile, she stands strong, and I myself would vote for her in a rematch in 2020. Ibet like brexit, if the people could do it over today they would

    vote in a landslide so big, Putin and Javert Comey couldn't steal it away from Hillary to win


    meanwhile to the rest of us, Camelot was stolen away again.  and the Republicans have th key to the nukes...yeah, that will bring peace.


    i cant with you... u have ur head so far up the democratic establishment's ass 


    i wouldve rather had hillary than trump.. but i'd rather have bernie than the other two


    also u should read this http://listenliberal.com/pdf/ListenLiberal-ThomasFrank-Excerpt.pdf so u can understand why i really dont care much for the clintons or obama.. yeah we can both agree theyre better than republicans but you literally....like literally act as if theyre superhuman. 


    i am more than willing to acknowledge that obama and clinton did plenty of unprecedented and good stuff, but im also going to acknowledge the tragic things they have done in regards to welfare, criminal justice, helping the middle class, making college affordable, dealing with big banks, eradicating economic inequality, racism, transitioning away from fossil fuels, saving social security... 


    here i am in a family thats slipping farther and farther down the economic ladder, im trying to become independent, go to college, all this stuff.. and im trying to build my own life while things are stacked against me AND my parents are already practically becoming dependent on me... YEAH I WOULD LIKE CLINTON MORE THAN TRUMP... that being said, my family.. MYSELF do not have time for more clinton platitudes, bank bailouts, """"affordable"""" college, corporate blowjobs, stagnant wages, etc... while i understand your point about bernie making it more difficult for hillary to win... you know if hillary hadnt played it down the middle JUST LIKE HER HUSBAND she probably wouldve been able to win! also if she wasnt so stuck up and out of touch with all the american people, she wouldve been able to win in the midwest and south


    every candidate running for DNC chair admits that the democratic party has some work to do bc they have flopped on the working class..


    at the end of the day, i think youre on the correct side of things, youre supporting the more liberal candidates opposed to the MESSY right wing ones, GREAT but i think youre also out of touch with how :) desperate some people are.. thats why they voted trump, because hillary represented not only scandal, but more of the same. now im sure that most of the :) right wingers think about hillary is simply propaganda.. i dont actually buy into that :), but no politician is perfect.. the fact of the matter is.. MOST people are tired of same old same old.. thats what hillary and the DNC were serving... yes that was better than trumps mess but, some people are so desperate (bc same old same old isn't enough) that they were willing to tryanything different. 


    also  bernie campaigned for hillary the second he officially lost the nomination.. and i would say even before that, he stopped running against her and simply existed only to get more progressive policy on the democratic agenda why? BECAUSE HE SEES HOW FUCKED THE WORKING CLASS IS .. furthermore, he's been traveling around the country practically ever since FOR THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY LMFAO so... if he hates them so much... he sure has a funny way of showing it, considering he is like the outreach manager, and constantly talking about rejuvenating it 


    TBFH I wish he was as against the democrats as u like to think, because i really dont think u can have a revolution inside an anti revolutionary party.. perhaps if he ran completely outside of them he could have more support and the democratic establishment could shrivel up and die already :toofunny:

  5. so what I've been asking myself and everyone I've seen in person: the millions of people of marching, where were they when they were supposed to vote against trump? did they finally get their lazy asses up and fight for something? I'm so disappointed in this country


    the one thing I'm the MOST disappointed in is the number hispanics and latinos that support trump only because of his views on abortion


    the truth is, all these people should've shown up in the first place.. u right.. based on the amount of people who voted third party and didnt vote at all, and based on approval ratings, honestly the american people as a whole should've banned together, republican and democrat, and protested for better candidates than hillary and donald ! 


    imagine the message that wouldve sent to the establishment politicians and corporate america... but no instead everyone tried to fear monger us into voting for the lesser of two evils..but imo america never should've accepted either of these candidates in the first place

  6. I never thought of that tbh Then you have to think how much it will cost to look after and maintain such a wall. Plus the security to protect it. This isn't going to work out well for either side. 


    the gag is i really dont think he is going to have a wall all the way through, republicans are too cheap for that,  in many if not most parts im betting he will use a secure double fence, and security sensors.. which work more than well enough... the best part is this was literally hillary's plan... :toofunny: 

  7. So on BBC news had an expert engineer  and  they said that to build that kind of wall -that President Dumbo wants - will cost over 26 Billion Dollars.   :deadbanana:  :toofunny:  :bye2:  The expert also said it might not even be finished by the time Dumbo's first and (hopefully only term) has ended. 


    My god he's such an idiot...


    the thing is the cost for materials isn't the only thing were gonna have to fund.. were also gonna have to pay for law enforcement  or whoever to go in and take back some of the land that may be controlled by cartels, kick out any people who may already struggle to live in the area, ...also there are lots of places that dont rly need walls bc nobody rly crosses through them anyway.... bc of natural physical barriers lmao


    (of course you are, you only cared about burning it all down, true anarchist style, and then reaping the rewards now you are a 2%er, which is no different

    than the 1% you go on ad nauseum 


    Anyone with any brain smarts knew what was coming, but you took the money and ran.

    How many books did you sell today? All for $27 all for his bank account. (and now Bernie and the BOBs have thrown Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown and

    Cory Booker among others under the bus.

    god..youre so butthurt lmfao  :thumb3:


    It's on 9:20 am of day 5...

    The Senate voted 51 to 48 to

    End coverage for preexisting conditions, veterans benefits, and aid to rural hospitals.

    Remove discrimination protection for women in healthcare.

    Remove the provision allowing children to remain on their parent's insurance till the age of 26.

    Cut off funding for the Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

    Cut the ACA contraceptive coverage and maternity care provision.

    Direct committees to send budget legislation to defund and repeal the Affordable Care Act.



    u got sources for this btw?

    when ur not even sure if u have insurance anymore   :godlaugh: LIVINGGGG


    i love how they swore up and down they wanted to keep the popular aspects of obamacare such as preexisting conditions, and children staying on till theyre 26..

  9.  I haven't seen it here, but people saying that Barron Trump is autistic in a condescending way need to realize that mess is ableist as hell... and really, attacking a child? Isn't there enough to attack Trump for without attacking his 10 year old child? Treating autism as though it's a flaw from the parents... just... a;skj;lffdf k.... as someone on the spectrum I really hate seeing this, especially from the "progressive" side.  Also, abuse allegations/jokes about Melania need to stop. Why do people think it's okay to joke about that? Mocking abuse is part of the reason why people don't come forward.  And the slut shaming... from the same group of people who just supported the women's march... which had a goal of fighting against slut shaming... I don't get it? Say things about Trump, attack him, attack his policies, attack Melania for staying with someone so hateful, but leave children, disabled, abused folks and sex workers out of it. 


    as someone who has a dad who is disgusting, and has horrible right wing stupid ignorant political views.. i feel p bad for trumps family for having to have their names tainted by his MESS


    and I believe that the state of the Democratic party as odd as it seems, is a lot stronger at the moment, than the state of the Republican party sans Donny *

    (as hard as that is to believe that)


    based on what? :toofunny:

  11. anyway im scared in so many ways for this country... in regards to climate change, education, poor people, food stamp programs, im also so scared for people who live in areas where were probably about to escalate military presence in.. ALSO worried about nukes! who tf thinks we should be ADDING nukes ? wtaf? 


    im scared about what will happen for democracy, and our rights to protest as well.. 


    personally im scared about being able to afford college, and make it on minimum wage... im afraid for my parents who  i know cant afford good healthcare and need medications and stuff to survive at this point.. ugh


    anyways i really hope if he's able to do one thing... he can get the economy back on track and booming in a way that benefits everyone not just the rich

  12.  Obviously racism exists in many places around the world but our society on the whole has made great strides in the advancement of people of colour. Again, not saying the issue of racism doesn't still exist, but it does not exist on the scale in which you guys are trying to say it does, not anymore.


    When you give someone leeway or special treatment for being opressed, you consequently put them above others, which is potentially very harmful; because then you get this off branch, Marxist like kind of leftism that stifles discussion, but of course, all in the name of equality.


    It isn't equal.


    The people who want Trump to put a temporary ban on Muslims coming into the U.S. aren't scared of them because of their skin colour, they're scared of something that has killed thousands, if not millions, and I'm sorry, but when did the KKK affect anyone but Americans? Terrorism is a global issue. Something you all seem to forget.




    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1245220/?page=1 (6-7 years less life) 






    when this is the reality, of course we should treat minorities better than we do now,... what everyone also must remember is not everything is a monolith, there are black people doing much better and much worse than white people, there are white people doing much better and much worse than black people.. but we can all agree that we should help those in need..



    also i understand how it is scary, seeing what islamist ideology has done.. but also think about how some islamic people feel, when in their view, people like us in the usa( who have a lifestyle that is totally different to theirs, and in some ways threatens their culture) totally obliterates parts of the middle east based on lies, and even bans them from our country .. 

    Okay I still want a temporary ban on white Christian men because they cause terrorist attacks outside of the US too and they cause more here than anyone else. Giving leeway or special interest towards white folks means you consequently put them above others, which is actually very harmful. Oh... does that not work when it's implied to your bigoted views? Because it's literally the same thing. Stop protecting whiteness.  


    If Americans weren't afraid of skin color, they wouldn't feel the need to attack middle eastern people and call them terrorist even without them showing any physical signs (ie: religious clothing) being Muslim. They wouldn't be okay with racially profiling Muslims. If you think white Americans don't see race in their fear of Muslims you're extremely ignorant to white racism. And there's parts of America with race issues are pretty good, but don't tell me that when I live in a town full of klan members. There's an alt-right tea party building on my street that had a mannequin with Obama's name on it lynched for weeks after his re-election. My brother in law was stopped by the cops because I was in the car with him. He was being racially profiled for driving an expensive car and the officer assumed I was in danger because I was in a car with a black man. My neighbor is a klan leader and has physically threatened the lives of my family because of our mixed races and religions. Racism is very much alive and a real threat. If it's not like that where you are, then great, but it's not like that everywhere. Hell, even 15 minutes away from where I live is a hella lot better than the town I live in. 


    the level of ignorance in some people who think that racism is over just because white people seemingly "respect" POC.. but white people often times have no idea what the life of black people is like... a lot of ppl dont even have black friends.. have no idea how any black people are doing, yet wanna say that they dont deserve extra federal programs or anything

  13. she didnt win because she is a woman. trump had so many controversies you wouldnt be able to count them on your fingers and toes. hillary had like what 2 controversies? her emails and HER HUSBAND NOT HER cheating. it was because these old uneducated idiots couldnt stand a woman being president. it was also the third party voters fault because she got a lot more votes than trump did, if only they hadnt voted paris hilton we wouldnt be in this mess


    ....i mean there actually are multiple reasons to dislike clinton, she's known for flip flopping, being a corporate sellout, and being hawkish militarily, voting for harmful trade agreements, promoting fracking...but..ok

  14. she wouldve actually won if idiots didnt decide that this is the appropriate time to protest and vote third party, or harambe, or deez nutz, paris hilton, or not at all


    i cant believe i live in a country with so many uneducated idiots


    like they had the mentality to go "wow im gonna get dressed, drive over to my local voting polls, wait in a long ass line, and then write in deez nutz because this is totally the appropriate time to protest when we have a man who is unfit to be president running and having a big chance at winning"


    ... donald trump was the protest vote.. the media was able to portray hillary as a scandalous criminal, and donald trump as a messy outsider... in the end theyre both corporate sellouts.. but many people who voted for trump voted for him because he wasnt hillary.. 


    dont blame the minority when LITERALly MOST people without college educations voted for trump :toofunny: 

    and also, when you're informed on the issues that face the american people, as well as the candidates' records, you see that often times third party candidates would better for our country than the establishment candidates... i think america should do like two tier voting where you can vote for a first choice and a second choice.. that way u can vote for a riskier candidate first, then a more probable establishment candidate second... 



    Meanwhile, congratulations President Clinton on winning more popular votes than any white male in United States history.



    mostly sure she only won by the biggest margin ever, she didnt actually get more popular votes than any white male... 

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