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Posts posted by analwinterofmylife

  1. yes i am legal in america, not that its any of your business, and I voted for hillary. were you completely gone or on another planet when he completely generalized ALL MEXICANS as rapists and criminals? where were you when he generalized ALL MUSLIMS as terrorists? where were you when on the news there would be reports of PEOPLE OF COLOR being beat up and thrown out of trump rallies even if they supported trump. where were you when he mocked the DISABLED reporter?


    why are you only bringing up the point of illegal immigration? i gave many other points... i guess this is the only you are able to argue. do you think its fair to call someone (a person/someone who has a life and people they love and dreams that they wish to fulfill) an illegal when you could simply call them "Undocumented". the way you talk is clearly full of hate for them if you dont have the decency to respect people and call them undocumented. 


    men, women, KIDS risk their lives to come to america because america advertises the 'American Dream' and only to find out that if they do come here theyre in a world of pain


    its pretty clear now, with your tone and your points, that youre a trump supporter


    you are disgusting


    Ntm most of the people who support him COMPLETELY buy into the fact that all Mexicans are horrible all muslims are terrorists and all ppl from the Middle East hate America.  Most trump supporters believe obama is probably a muslim. Like trump supporters' world view isn't based on a balanced picture of reality 

  2. Are you illegally in America? Because as far as history goes, you're only supposed to be living in America if you've done it legally. He's trying to control the illegal aliens. He doesn't care if you're a legal immigrant. The reason why he's trying to do more vetting is because we can't trust people from a country that doesn't hold records for everyone there. It's not about Muslims, it's about the country of Syria and their people as a whole. Not the Muslim religion, my step mom is Muslim and my dad is converting to Islam. 


    If this doesn't make any sense to you guys, then... maybe you should rethink the way this country should be run because this should be common sense. No, we shouldn't have illegal aliens in America. It should be easier to immigrate to America and this'll probably make it harder, but we can't just be a doormat like we've been for 20 years.


    how can people come here legally if its too difficult in the first place? 

    also he basically admits he doesnt want them here because theyre muslim.. and he doesnt want illegal immigrants here because theyre rapists, criminals, etc.. either that or he goes with the "theyre taking our jobs and getting benefits without paying taxes" narrative.. which in fact isn't true, considering that they get jobs because bosses decide they would rather pay an illegal shit than hire an american worker.. illegals pay sales tax .. in fact a case can be made that illegals pay more taxes than trump himself :eartha:


    should anyone be able to come here with no documents or anything? no.. obviously there should be a comprehensive and functioning system in place that protects our country, as well as gives foreigners and those trying to escape from oppressive situations a way to get here, get involved in contributing to our economy, and society.

  3. Hillary is not my favorite person, but imo there is literally no logical choice but her. I'm not going to tell other people that they're wrong for voting Trump, but from my perspective they're not being logical and have allowed emotion to persuade their vote. Of course the other side could say the same about those voting for Clinton, but this is just my worldview.


    It's actually really interesting how on both sides you see people who believe the OTHER side is being swindled/duped. Maybe this drama is because really, we all getting swindled in a way. Every politician (including Trump, despite not having been a career politician) has a motive and a direction they're trying to go, and they are all trying to persuade voters to take their side. 


    I am so sick of politics, it hurts my head and my heart. 

    truly we are all getting duped honey

    The bizarre thing is...it's hard to know what policies Trump stands by (let alone is going to go through if he wins)

    "This list features 141 distinct shifts on 23 major issues, tracking only his stated views since he announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015"  -

    A Full List of Donald Trump's Rapidly Changing Policy Positions

    How can you possibly vote for a candidate who doesn't have any clear goals or changes for when they are in term? Vote for Trump is ignorant and selfish. 

    Hillary is flawed but least with her, you know what you are going to get. That isn't even mentioning how she is going to do the best for everyone. Trump says he will do the best for everyone but really he means unless you aren't white, male or American. It's got to be crazy to say "oh yeah I voted for someone who was endorsed by the KKK"


    RIP u just snatched my weave

  4. Before I get hate on this post for it, I voted for Trump for multiple reasons. Also, I'm a registered democrat and I'm probably one of the most liberal person you'll meet online.


    1) He's the lesser of 2 evils, he's not nearly as bad as she is.

    2) He has women of different races in management positions and they're paid higher than the men in the same positions

    3) I can't trust someone who has a foundation but uses the money that people have DONATED for her daughter's wedding....

    4) I hate this Washington Establishment that we've been under control of for the past 20-30 years

    5) Trump is a business man who knows how to handle money. He's been doing it for years and years.

    6) She promised in the 90s to help healthcare but was bought out by the insurance companies for about $800,000

    7) She's let people be killed when she has the control to stop it, multiple times. It's been proven...

    8) She's committed multiple counts of treason and is under investigation again. Which basically means if she's found guilty, we'll have to impeach her JUST LIKE HER HUSBAND.


    No, I do not like Trump and disagree with a lot of what he says (state-choice gay marriage is bullshit) but that does NOT mean I can't vote for him to keep her out of office.


    messy...i mean trump honestly is a mess his campaign ran on ignorance, misinformation, violence, racism, bigotry.. at the end of the day.. if you agree with his policies more than hillary's thats fine but ... mike pence will be one of the most powerful VP's in history because trump is a numb nut who doesnt actually know that much about politics... he knows even less about social issues. Mike pence is anti-lgbtq, anti government assistance programs..like if it was left to mike pence i could be fired from my job bc of my sexual orientation.. i probably wouldn't be able to afford college at all rn, i wouldn't have health care, and i would be working some minimum wage job hoping they dont have a thing against gays. NTM how shittty trumps' policies against legalization of marijuana and crime are.. trump takes a tough on crime position. He supports stop and frisk, which is a policy that was ruled unconstitutional. When he was asked what he would say to african americans who are affected by and upset by racial tension/police violence... his answer was literally " police are in danger, i want police to have more funding" basically he wants to militarize police forces. he doesnt give a fuck or know about.. ntm He is about to be investigated for fraud, bc of the trump university thing, hasnt paid taxes, is disrespectful ...  not to mention he lies about everything too... he could be called out for something he said 3 seconds ago and he would deny it. He thinks climate change is a hoax... l


    like i get it .. hillary has done some horrible shit.. i dont at all think she is what america needs right now.. but trump is even less of what (imo) america needs. at least the rest of the country could make progress on minority rights, workers rights, stopping global warming and pollution, getting education to more people, getting money out of politics, etc... (that being said i voted for jill stein bc hillary is a mess)


    that being said, if you think his policies work, if you support them, and those of his VP then im glad you voted your conscience 

  5. I feel like people are making Hillary out to be a lot worse than she is  :awkney2:

    But that's just my opinion  :yesnod:


    i wouldn't call hillary worse than trump..but i think that america could use someone who is less tied to corporations, wallstreet, military industrial complex, and the washington establishment.. 

    I honestly think the press etc gave her such a hard time because mainly she is a women


    Take the Email Scandal for instance. If that happened to a dude they wouldn't give him half the shitstorm Hilary had to endure from the press and the government/FBI.

    honestly the whole email scandal was bullshit.. because they made a huge deal about the email scandal existing without even talking about the even shadier content of the emails. Like there was actually a lot of bullshit in those emails.. that being said, i dont think shes a particularly worse politician than others that are already holding offices...

  6. omggg... y'all went after this great bop :( i once had a bf who was gonna take me with him on his family trip to paris... soon after i found this song.. .and then he left me for someone else he knew for 2 days :toofunny: 

  7. thank you thank you thank you thank you




    thats the whole reason why i said these things




    it seems the majority here doesnt care for her wellbeing

    i truly feel like im talking to a wall. I just want people to know everything they can know. not just what one person says, and thats the end all be all.


    Its sad honestly, because lana is such a down to earth and humble woman. Of course i still idolize her, but i think what shes really tired of is being treated like an object instead of a person. I just think its sort of a double standard that so many people on here seem to love the music so much, yet dont rly seem to regard lana as a real person. I get it, shes a celeb so u dont know her personally.. but at the end of the day, i want lana to think of her fandom (at least those on lana boards) as her friends/family and not just a bunch of thirsty hoes who want "Music To Scream YASS To' 

  8. I love you sis but why do you even care. He's the one who's facing Lana. Let him react whatever way he wants.


    i mean as a fully dedicated lana stan, who actually thinks of lana more as a human than just an artist, i have very high regard for how she feels, etc.. esp since i know she probs goes through such bullshit all the time bc shes a celeb. So im a little salty that eclipse, who already has exclusive info, already gets a ton of attention from people on this site, gets pm'd by lana not even because she wants to talk to him, but because he was leaking stuff and she's looking out for her career. (also this isn't the first time he has taunted artists with their own leaked music lol)

    sad that someone who already has gotten so much, gets to talk to the queen herself and then isn't even that nice to her


     u should ask all the ppl who just shit their pants over eclipse telling us basically nothing we dont already know. why do they even care?

  9. king of getting artists to notice them


    I'm sure artists love it when narcissistic stalkers from the Internet, message them just to dangle the fact that they have stuff that's leaked. 

    But why is eclipse (allegedly) saying "don't worry about it work on your album" to the queen ? :dafuq: who tf does he think he's talking to tho ? 


    I wouldnt be so shady if eclipse came through with any relevant info but literally all he's said is that there is new music coming and we all already knew that. Otherwise it's basically unproven claims and easily faked screenshots about stuff. At least come thru and tell us something we didn't already kno

  10. I LOVE THE LYRICS!!!!!!


    THE SOUND WAS SO FUCKIN BORING. (plus they all sounded the same) Listen, I'm not doubting Lana's ability. She's great. She's my fave. But Sirens was enough to put me in a coma for a couple months if not a year. Those lyrics are beauties. I'll give it to you.


    i mean i agree.the instrumentals are so minimal that its not the most enjoyable thing but.. imagine if the album was reworked :oprah: 

  11. Actually a lot of people don't like Sirens and think it's horrible  :defeated:  Siren's is raw and beautiful. You can tell every lyric had meaning to it, and even though the guitar could sound similar in the songs each note was picked specially imo.


    i mean i see how people may dislike sirens.. the instrumentals are super simple.. but some iconic lyrics and melodies came from it.. for k, bad disease.. my momma, out with a bang.. all you need, aviation.. 

     @SarcasticBeauty how can u ignore all this? 

    t was a drive-by Sunday night

    Most of us were in bed all right

    I turned down the light

    Then I heard the sirens

    Interrupt the silence


    Is this what you wished

    To commit a crime?

    Is this what you wished

    To commit a crime?

    Is this what you wished

    To commit a crime, commit a crime, commit a crime?


    There's something about seeing him die

    That puts it all into perspective and I

    Want to stay home, be left alone

    Someone make my mind up so I don't have to decide


    I got a bad disease

    I got a bad disease

    To fall into

    Yeah, I do


    little bits and pieces, falling to the corners

    Box of broken leases, lined up in an order

    I'll do what you tell me, we can have it your way

    I'll tell you the future, you tell me your story




    I had a dream

    When I was young

    I dreamt our lives were

    Going to be found

    When we were always

    Waiting to live


    All you need

    Is some peace

    While you are here

    Just let go

    I'll be it all, dear


    You have the choice

    To hear the noise

    Or hear the sweet sound

    Of your sweet voice

    I know I've heard it

    I heard it in my sleep


    All you need

    Is some peace

    While you are here

    Just let go

    Don't say no, dear


    Wake up each night

    At the same time

    Pull up the blind

    And look outside

    And in the orange light

    The fog is rising


    This is life

    The still night

    Peace in the quiet


    Is the sky

    Do you think I'm crazy

    For considering aviation?

    I'm the fan of flying

    Want to do it for the nation

    'Cause I have nothing else to do


    This summer but committed to you

    Have a big degree in philosophy

    But I don't know what I want to be





  12. I adore Angel Down but ever since I found that the song it reminded me of is the "2 pence" theme of Mary Poppins I can't get it out of my head omg


    Edit: idk how it is in English but this is my whole childhood


    mary poppins is my childhood favorite.. i even asked for an umbrella one year for Christmas  thats all i wanted :oprah: love this song and angel down

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